Blog Post

Project Support Blog

Where did that old MSDN/TechNet post go?

Brian-Smith's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 12, 2019

You may be landing here on a redirect from our MSDN or TechNet blogs.  Most of the content of the Project Support blog is here now, and some of the BriSmith MSDN blog is split between this blog, or the Project and Planner blogs in this community .  If you search for the old document title you should find it - or in the migrated content we also show the original post date - which is in the full Url from MSDN/TechNet.  In the unlikely event that the content you want didn't make the journey - please leave a comment and I'll see if I can find it!

Planner blog -

Project blog -


Also you can look for some missing ones on my personal blog as I've added them as an archive of Project Support posts  

Screenshot of new blog

Updated Mar 14, 2021
Version 6.0