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New and Improved: Board View in My Tasks and My Day

David_Hopkins's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 03, 2025

Stay on top of your tasks with Board view, designed as a quick, visual way to help you track and manage tasks.

One of the most requested features from our customers, Board view in My Tasks, is now available in Planner. This feature is not only available in My Tasks but also in My Day, making it even easier for you to manage your tasks each day. The new view offers a more visual and organized way to manage your tasks, helping you stay on top of your priorities and improve your productivity. In this blog post, we'll dive into the benefits of Board view, show you how to use it, and share some real-life examples to help you get the most out of it. Whether you are managing personal tasks or working on a project, Board view aims to make your planning process smoother and more intuitive.

What is Board view?

Board view in My Tasks and My Day in Planner allows you to organize your tasks in a more visual and structured manner. Unlike Grid view, which presents tasks in a list format, Board view displays your tasks as cards grouped under columns on a board, providing a clear overview of your workflow at a glance.

My Tasks in Planner presents all your private tasks, tasks assigned to you, and emails you’ve flagged in Outlook. Board view can help you stay on top of the tasks that matter, making it easy to focus on individual plans and your top priority tasks, as well as manage your workload to avoid taking on too much.

In My Day, you can see your tasks due today and tasks you’ve added to your day from My Tasks. Using Board view helps you tackle those tasks in the way that works best for you, whether it’s focusing on one plan at a time, taking on your important tasks first, or staying on top of the tasks you’re already working on.

Where to find it

In My Tasks and My Day, you can easily switch between Grid view and Board view using the options in the header.


How to use it

When you are using Board view, you can change how the tasks are grouped into columns using the ‘Group by’ control. Board view enables you to group your tasks by:

  1. Plan: Including Private Tasks, Flagged emails, and each plan that includes tasks assigned to you.
  2. Progress: Not started, In progress, and Completed. Move tasks between columns to change their progress.
  3. Due Date: Late, Today, Tomorrow, This week, Next week, Future, and No date. Move tasks between columns to change their due date. Note: Due date of premium plan tasks cannot be changed from My Tasks and My Day.
  4. Priority: Urgent, Important, Medium, and Low. Move tasks between columns to change their priority. Note: Priority of premium plan tasks cannot be changed from My Tasks and My Day. Private tasks cannot be moved to ‘Urgent’.

Top tips

  1. Use ‘Group by priority’ in My Tasks to stay on top of your most important tasks. Change priority by simply moving tasks between columns. Note: Priority of premium plan tasks cannot be changed from My Tasks and My Day. Private tasks cannot be moved to ‘Urgent’.
  2. Use ‘Group by Due date’ in My Tasks to view your most urgent tasks – quickly reschedule by moving tasks between columns. Note: Due date of premium plan tasks cannot be changed from My Tasks and My Day.
  3. Use ‘Group by plan’ in My Day to help you focus on one plan at a time.
  4. Use ‘Group by progress’ in My Day to limit how much you take on at a time – just move tasks between columns to mark them as in progress or complete.

Try it out today

Board view in My Tasks and My Day is available in the Planner app in Microsoft Teams and Planner for the web. Try it out today and let us know what you think! There are several ways to share your feedback with us—either via the Planner Feedback Portal or directly in the Planner app by selecting More (the questions mark) in the upper right corner, then Feedback.


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Updated Feb 03, 2025
Version 1.0
  • edusilva's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Seria interessante se houvesse uma opção para mover automaticamente uma tarefa para outro bucket. Por exemplo, ao concluir uma tarefa em andamento, ela seria transferida automaticamente para o bucket de tarefas concluídas.

    Além disso, seria útil poder atribuir etapas específicas aos integrantes da equipe. O responsável principal seria atribuído à tarefa, mas, caso um colega participe, ele poderia ser designado para a etapa em que irá colaborar.

    Também gostaria de ver uma integração mais eficiente com o calendário.

  • David_Low's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Can you make Board view the default?

    Once again functionality changed and now I get the Grid view every time on a plan, even when switching windows within a Browser session after already selecting Board view. Combined with the lack of consistency between standard and premium plans has us reconsidering alternatives, again.

    • RhondaG's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Agreed!  I almost moved away in those dark months without the Board view.  In my browser, I've bookmarked my most frequent board, My Tasks, with the board on, so it does always open to that because of my bookmark.  However, as soon as I swap to the individual planners, I need to choose Board view for each one.  I find once I've done that for a session, it mostly sticks for that session.  But, it used to just stick.  

  • OwenJones's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Good to see some ongoing development that is not focused on Copilot. Also that this aggregates across multiple plans. More basic enterprise usability features please!

  • krfagan's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Love the new board view, however the inability to edit due dates on premium tasks in the my tasks view makes the Premium Planner less functional than a basic plan. This is a critical mistake that is causing my team members headaches and reducing the functionality of the entire Planner app. Are there any updates you can provide on when this restriction will be removed. 

    • David_Hopkins's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thank you for the feedback krfagan! We're glad you're enjoying the new board view.

      While we recognise the importance and usefulness of editing premium plan tasks from My Tasks, it's a challenging limitation to address. However, we are continuing to work on closing this and other gaps between basic and premium plans to provide a more consistent and seamless experience in Planner, and I can confirm that this specific gap is on our backlog to close.

      As robhprojility mentioned, premium plans commonly involve tighter controls in scheduling, and this will be taken into consideration as we close this gap.

      • krfagan's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Thank you David. Just getting used to the functionality more, is it possible to create new private tasks in board view? If not, can you please explain why that is the case?

    • robhprojility's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      There's an inherent issue with allowing team member to update tasks in a Premium plan.  Premium plans are schedules (think: WBS) in and of their nature. Those tasks have a 'flow' to them - they may have predecessors, successors, different relationships with tasks throughout the schedule.  These relationships and the staging of tasks are carefully setup by a Project manager in the tool.  This includes setting dates. Think about it as you've got a task with a 10 day duration, that's driven by two tasks before it. If those delay, the 10 day task could delay in your schedule as well.  Now if I allow a team member to update the finish date on that task, they create a 'constraint' on that task that may not allow it to move as it needs to, based upon the delay created by the two tasks before it.  It's really a project scheduling challenge that is best left to the Project manager to deal with.  

      If you suddenly allow team members to update dates, and those change auto-apply to the schedule (as they do today with % complete/progress), you can imagine coming in and seeing the carefully built schedule you have, suddently completely destroyed due to updates. 

      I believe this is one of the reasons Microsoft is allowing only for progress on tasks from team members (how far along and I on the task % wise), to ensure good schedule controls.  One of the nice new features is the ability to have a 'Conversation' in a task via Teams. We're finding many of our clients are now using this and training their team members to share details such as 'I updated my progress but think we may be finishing 5 days late' to the Project manager, who can then have the discussion and model out the 'what if' on that change, without it just happening and them having to reverse engineer changes. 

      Hope this helps. I know it's not the idea answer but there's logic behind it related to managing project schedules in the tool and who has control over what data. 

  • robhprojility's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    It's an aggregated list of tasks from multiple Planner plans (standard and Premium), the goal is to make it easy for a user assigned to tasks, to see all their work in one place.  Whomever owns a Planner plan would assign a person to a task, and then that task shows up in that person's My Tasks view.


  • JimKa's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Very nice improvement. But how can tasks be added in this view?

    • David_Hopkins's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thanks for the feedback JimKa! You can add tasks in board view when you set the grouping to 'Group by plan'. Other 'Group by' views require selecting the plan to add the task to, which we do not yet support in board view, but we have added a backlog item to support this.
      (Adding to a premium plan will still require opening the premium plan, which you can do by selecting the plan title in 'Group by Plan' view or using the link from the task details)

    • robhprojility's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      By having whomever owns a Planner plan, add a task to that plan, and then assign you to that task.  Planner uses a 'plan' that allows the owner of the plan to create tasks and assign them to people. Without the plan there's no tasks.... once a task is created in a Planner plan, that task will then show up in a user's My Task list/board view if they are assigned to it.  The whole goal is to make it easy for people to understand all their tasks across Planner plans and provide updates in a streamlined way.