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Partner news

Purchase Azure savings plan for compute in Partner Center

JillArmour's avatar
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Jul 12, 2023

Introducing a new capability that allows you to purchase Azure savings plan for your customers through Partner Center.


Azure savings plan for compute, launched in October 2022 and available to CSP partners to purchase through the Azure portal, is an easy and flexible way for customers to save up to 65 percent on compute costs compared to pay-as-you-go. Savings plans can be purchased with a commitment term of one or three years, and payment terms can be upfront or monthly.

Azure savings plan for compute helps customers: 


  • Save compared to pay-as-you-go prices on select compute services
  • Automatically optimize savings across select services globally up to the hourly commitment
  • Save on their terms by customizing the plan's term length, billing frequency, and hourly commitment to fit their needs


Based on requests from partners and customers, we are announcing a new capability that partners can use to purchase Azure savings plan for their customers through Partner Center. This new, much-requested capability has been launched on June 15, 2023 and is currently available.


More information can be found using the following resources:

Published Jul 12, 2023
Version 1.0