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Microsoft OneDrive Blog

Welcome to OneDrive UserVoice 2.0

Stephen Rose's avatar
Stephen Rose
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Aug 08, 2018

One of the questions I get asked the most is about the process our engineering team uses to prioritize new features and functionality for OneDrive. There are many ways we do this today including quality feedback from the product (just shake to send on mobile), user telemetry, App Store reviews from our top-rated iOS and Android mobile apps and my favorite, our UserVoice feedback page.


In the past few years, UserVoice has been a key factor for prioritizing some new features and functionality we have brought to the product, including Files On-Demand, ransomware detection, file versioning, and Android SD storage card support.


The goal of UserVoice has always been to provide a platform for you to share, vote and discuss ideas on how we can work to improve OneDrive. It’s a critical part of our engineering process enabling our engineering team to sit down each month and review the features with over 500 votes and respond back to all of you.


Over the past few months, we have realized that our UserVoice needed a restructure to make it easier to find what you are looking for and reduce duplication to ensure your votes count. The answer is a redesigned UserVoice from the ground up, starting with the look and feel of the page, as well as a better alignment of categories to both current and future functionality. We feel this will better help you find where to search for requested features or to add your new requests.


Let’s break down our new categories you’ll find at

 UserVoice site

Browser-based experiences:

OneDrive on the web- OneDrive via the web browser (Edge, Safari, Chrome, IE, and Firefox)

Use this forum to submit ideas and suggestions relating to the OneDrive experience across all browsers.


Mobile Experiences:

OneDrive on Android- OneDrive mobile app on Android phones and tablets.

OneDrive on iOS- OneDrive mobile app for iPhones and iPads

The OneDrive mobile apps on Android and iOS are one of the best endpoints to use OneDrive today thanks to your feedback!


Desktop Experiences:

OneDrive on Mac- OneDrive desktop app and App Store versions

OneDrive on Windows- OneDrive desktop app and UWP (Windows Store app) versions

Got a feature request for the OneDrive desktop app? This is your place to go! Your feedback led us to invest in Files On-Demand and we’re excited to show off what’s next.


Sharing and Collab

OneDrive Sharing and Collaboration- Feedback and ideas to improve our sharing and collaboration experiences

We’ve heard lots of great feedback on sharing and collaboration in OneDrive and we wanted to make sure there was a central place to see these topics, regardless of what endpoint you might be collaborating on.



OneDrive Security, Policy, and Administration- feedback and ideas around the administrative features and functionality

Security and compliance are a key part of the OneDrive promise and we want to make sure that we can hear your suggestions and ideas for improvements directly.



OneDrive Developer Platform- feedback and ideas geared towards those looking to leverage the OneDrive SDK.

The OneDrive Developer Platform enables you to build amazing custom apps on top of OneDrive. Let us know what else you need to be successful!


Our goal by streamlining this process is to it make it easier for you to see what has been suggested and for us to more clearly hear your feedback.


We hope you find this new structure to be a better experience – and look forward to hearing about your awesome idea!


Please visit to share, vote, and discuss how we can continue to make OneDrive awesome.

Updated Aug 08, 2018
Version 3.0