Today, we’re happy to announce that Exam AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop is now live. Passing this exam is the only requirement to earn the new Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification.
In related news, our blog post a few days ago, Azure Virtual Desktop: The flexible cloud VDI platform for the hybrid workplace, announced new capabilities in the platform, along with the name change from Windows Virtual Desktop service to Azure Virtual Desktop. In alignment with this broader vision, we’re updating the associated certification and exam, beginning with the name change.
The shift to hybrid work is an opportunity for organizations to rethink everything from the employee experience and talent to digital sales and events. It starts with empowering employees for a more flexible work world. Earning the new Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification puts the spotlight on your skills in this evolving work environment, proving that you have subject matter expertise in planning, delivering, and managing virtual desktop experiences and remote apps, for any device, on Azure.
Although we’re changing the name, the job role and exam objective domains remain the same. As with other exams and certifications in our portfolio, we’ll continue to regularly review and update Exam AZ-140 and the Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification as needed to keep them aligned to the job skills required by the new capabilities in the platform.
If you took the beta exam with the original name, what now?
You should be receiving your scores in about 10 business days, if you took Exam AZ-140 in beta.
If you passed the beta exam, the new certification and exam names will be reflected on your online transcript. After you receive your score, you don’t need to do anything—just check your Microsoft Certification Dashboard, where you’ll also find your new digital badge.
Don’t forget to celebrate and share your achievement. Add your newly acquired skills and badge to your LinkedIn profile to stand out in your network. Follow the instructions in the congratulations email you received. Or find your badge on your Certification Dashboard, and follow the instructions there to share it. (You’ll be transferred to the Credly website.)
Considering this certification?
To help you prepare, today we’re releasing Course AZ-140T00: Configuring and Operating Azure Virtual Desktop. This brand-new, four-day instructor-led training will help you skill up for Exam AZ-140 with a series of demonstrations and hands-on labs where you deploy virtual desktop experiences and apps. To discuss training solutions customized to your project plans and goals, connect with a Microsoft Learning Partner.
If you prefer to learn on your own, explore this learning path on Microsoft Learn, along with other self-paced learning:
- Review the exam page for details. The Exam AZ-140 skills outline alerts you to key topics covered on the exam.
- Check out the Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification is here! post by Azure FastTrack Engineer @Dean Cefola. It includes multiple resources to get ready for the Exam AZ-140.
- Don’t miss the AZ-140 study guide created by Microsoft Cloud Advocate @thomasmaurer.
Plus, watch this space for additional training content we plan to release in mid-July.
With today’s mobile and remote work environments, organizations around the world need professionals who have what it takes to plan, implement, monitor, and maintain an Azure Virtual Desktop architecture and infrastructure. And these pros know how to help ensure that this virtualization platform is secure, scalable, and easy to manage. If this sounds like you, skill up, pass Exam AZ-140, and celebrate your Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty certification, as you become part of the solution to empower organizations and to deliver seamless, high-performance experiences on Azure.
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Updated Jun 10, 2021
Version 2.0SandraMarin
Joined June 15, 2020
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