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Voices of Healthcare Cloud brings you “Digital Consumer Experience in Healthcare with Dr. McGill”

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Oct 17, 2022

Voices of Healthcare Cloud is a webinar series hosted by myself, @Vasu Sharma & @Joshua Thompson. My name is Shelly Avery, I am currently a Dir, Healthcare Specialist for Health and Life Sciences focusing on the largest Payor and Provider customers in the US, Vasu is a Sr Customer Success Manager for Microsoft 365 for Health and Life Sciences & Josh is a Sr Account Executive for Healthcare. The goal of this webinar series is to showcase how Healthcare is seeing positive business and clinical outcomes with cloud technology.



We will bring new and creative solutions to you at least once a month, so we hope you tune in live or catch the on-demand recording after the session is completed.


If you want to get direct invites for these sessions, you can let us know by filling out this form.


Hopefully you joined our last few webinars on:


For this session, we are pleased to share how Dr. Patrick McGill, EVP, and Chief Transformation Officer at Community Health Networks, and Ellary Rose, Healthcare Subject Matter Expert from Microsoft view Digital Consumer Experience for Healthcare. This is a lively discussion around how the healthcare industry needs to change how they create personalized digital experiences for their prospective and current patient populations. 



Please watch the recording here: 


Topics that are discussed are:

  • Comparing the Healthcare “consumer experience” to retail industry and how the healthcare industry needs to strive for this great experience
  • Financial Pressure vs the need to innovate
  • Defining innovation: what does it mean to your organization and when is the right time to innovate
  • Healthcare is complicated, how can we make it “simply delivered” for patients
  • Why an enterprise CRM is needed beyond the EMR to deliver these experiences
  • Why Community Health Network Chose to partner with Microsoft on their Personalized Digital Experience Platform


Overall concepts that were discussed: 

The idea is, that people want to be known, and healthcare should definitely know their patients. However, once you know me, as a person, people expect you to treat them how they want to be treated, they don’t want to repeat themselves over and over, they want to be communicated with in their channel of choice and they want to interact with business in a way that is easy for them. So how can Healthcare organizations know their people, prospective and current patients. Once they know them how can the organization make sure they can communicate with their customers through the channel of choice? Whether the customer is calling into the call center, whether they want to schedule through a bot, or want to come in for face-to-face interaction, the organization should be engaging with people in a way that's really meaningful to that person.


Organizations who are building this concept of the healthcare consumer engagement hub, as defined by Gartner, have a similar goal, to aggregate all the interactions a person has with their organization together so they “know” that person and can deliver omnichannel experiences to engage with their customers in a more personalized and meaningful way,


Some of the highlights from this podcast are:


Question: Why did you choose Microsoft to partner on this with Community?


“I would say first and foremost, it was the cultural fit. We felt like partners, we felt like we could go on this journey together. It was the cultural fit and then once we had that connection, all of those other pieces fell into place.” Dr McGill


Question: What do you say to the EMR vendors who are creating their own CRM? What's your opinion or your thought on using these new features or capabilities that stem from the EMR to do CRM like functions?


 “Those are great for people that have an established relationship with a health system. What about people who don't have an established relationship?... and how do you build that 360 degree view on interactions that don't occur in the EMR or not based on a clinical interaction. I mean the EMR at the end of the day is a clinical documentation tool, right? And it's great. We love our EMR. We have great things to say about our EMR, but I don't see how you can capture all of these other interactions that people have with us that are not clinically focused.” Dr McGill


Question: Why do you think or feel that an enterprise CRM is key to creating personalized digital experiences?


  • “Yeah, that's a great question. I mean personally, I don't know how you create that personalized experience without having some sort of CRM. Some people would argue that the electronic medical record should be the CRM, but like I was saying earlier, I think that's one component because there's all these interactions that occur outside of the EMR” Dr McGill
  • “Without having an enterprise CRM, maybe people can do that, but it goes back to what Ellary was talking about. That's a lot of back-end coordination on the technology side. That's incredibly difficult to pull off in a seamless fashion. We always talk about we want frictionless experiences. Whether they're in person, digital, whatever it might be, and so really having that enterprise tool I think is the key enabler to that frictionless experience.” Dr McGill


This a great quote from Ellary that just about sums up the conversation

“An intelligence CRM from a customer data platform perspective brings together all of the patient data. Not just clinical encounters, but also HID's claims, wearables stuff that stems from devices, patient reported outcomes, monitoring tools being able to pull all that together into a single hub and then allowing for all those walls to break down for our clients to be able to understand and know their consumers.” Ellary


We hoped you enjoyed this podcast, be sure to follow us on Linked In and watch out for new posts coming soon!


Thanks to our speakers:

Dr. Patrick McGill, EVP, and Chief Transformation Officer at Community Health Networks


Ellary Rose, Healthcare Subject Matter Expert, Dynamics 365 (CRM), at Microsoft



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Thanks for reading, Shelly Avery | Email, LinkedIn  

Updated Oct 18, 2022
Version 3.0
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