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SMB Signing and Guest Authentication

NedPyle's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 13, 2023

Heya folks, Ned here again. We recently made SMB signing the default in Windows Insider and Windows Server Insider builds. In doing so, we were quickly reminded of a consequence from an old unsafe SMB behavior that some folks still use: guest authentication. Today I'll explain all this and give you the steps to both fix and workaround the issue.


If you're in a hurry, skip down to the fixes and workarounds section below.


Signing and guest authentication

SMB signing ensures every message contains a signature generated using session key and cipher suite. The client puts a hash of the entire message into the signature field of the SMB header. If anyone changes the message itself later on the wire, the hash won't match, and SMB knows that someone tampered with the data. It also confirms to sender and receiver that they are who they say they are, breaking relay attacks.


To sign a message, the key is derived from a secret both the user client and server share - the user's password. Without that password, the client and server can't sign the SMB traffic because they have no way to validate the sender. And what doesn't a guest logon have? A password. That makes guest authentication and SMB signing mutually exclusive. When we see that the client requires SMB signing, we don't allow even an attempt at guest authentication, we just fail the connection. 


Insecure guest authentication fallback

Microsoft stopped enabling the built-in Guest account years ago - Windows 2000! - and stopped allowing guest logons by default (keep in mind that the built-in Guest user and guest-type access are two different things). Later, we started actively denying the built-in Guest account the ability to connect to Windows clients remotely using any protocol. Starting in Windows 10 and SMB2+, we the SMB team stopped SMB2+ guest access in general as well as a particular behavior called insecure guest fallback. Besides blocking anyone from intentionally using guest with SMB2+, we also prevent an old SMB1 behavior where if you sent along a non-existent user, the SMB2+ server could then ask you to logon as a guest silently. Again, Windows SMB2+ servers would not do this, but you can see how a malicious attacker would love for you to connect to their evil file server and start executing evil file code without even needing a password.


Fixes and workarounds

Now, remember at the top where I said we recently made SMB signing the default in Windows Insider Enterprise client builds? When you try to connect to third-party devices that use guest for "ease of use", you'll get one of these errors:


  • You can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access. These policies help protect your PC from unsafe or malicious devices on the network.
  • Error code: 0x80070035
    The network path was not found.


Even if you follow our steps in Guest access in SMB2 and SMB3 is disabled to enable guest in SMB again, they won't work. Because we disable guest access when you require SMB signing and you will receive error


  • "System error 3227320323 has occurred."


But there are options:



The Microsoft recommended fix is to stop accessing your third-party devices using guest credentials. Anyone - anyone - who can see that device can access all your data without any password or audit trail. Device makers configure guest access so they won't have to deal with their customers forgetting their passwords or require a more complex setup process. These are unsafe places to store your personal or professional life. Many of these devices do have the ability to configure a username and password - consult your vendor docs. Others might have the ability with a software upgrade. And others might just be unsafe - for those, you should replace them with a trustworthy product and move all your data off the old device, ensure you wipe its drives clean, then recycle it.



If you cannot disable the use of guest for your third party, you must disable the requirement of SMB signing. Obviously, this means that now not only are you using guest access, but you're also preventing your client from guaranteeing signing to a trusted device. That's why this is just a workaround, and we don't recommend it.


You can disable the SMB signing requirement three ways:


Graphical (local group policy on one device)

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) on your Windows device.
  2. In the console tree, select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings> Local Policies > Security Options.
  3. Double-click Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always).
  4. Select Disabled OK.


Command-line (PowerShell on one device)

  1. Open an administrator-elevated PowerShell console.
  2. Run
Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $false


Domain-based group policy (on IT-managed fleets)

  1. Locate the security policy applying this setting to your Windows devices (you can use GPRESULT /H on a client to generate a resultant set of policy report to show which group policy is requiring SMB signing.
  2. In GPMC.MSC, change the 
  3. Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings> Local Policies > Security Options.
  4. Set Microsoft network client: Digitally sign communications (always) to Disabled.
  5. Apply the updated policy to Windows devices needing guest access over SMB.


Final thoughts

Now, we can make this easier to understand and are doing so in a future Insiders release. We'll have a better error message and better description in the group policy, and I'll also update our various MS Learn documentation on signing and guest access. But I mostly hope everyone will stop using third party devices with guest access - they are dangerous. 


Reminder: with SMB1, all bets are off. None of what I mentioned above will stop guest access or myriad other unsafe behaviors. If your SMB server device still requires SMB1, you should assume anyone can access its data; even with a strong password, even without guest, even with SMB signing enabled. If you're unsure if your device requires SMB1, review its documentation and the Still Needs SMB1 product clearinghouse.


Don't invite them in!


A scary vampire shadow on a staircase from the 1922 film Nosferatu


Until next time,


Ned Pyle

Updated Apr 09, 2024
Version 5.0
  • outside's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    You're great; thank you very much. I lost about 5 hours before I found your article, the content of which helped me access SMB files (on a new DELL laptop).

  • We are turning signing on by default in Windows Server 2025 and Windows 11 vNext:


    SMB signing required by default in Windows Insider - Microsoft Community Hub

    Next-generation SMB file services | Windows Server Summit 2024 (


    It should not be turned off on domain controllers either. Also, all of your Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 and later machines have still been requiring SMB signing from your domain controllers when connecting to the SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares, through UNC Hardening defaults.


    SMB signing will prevent a variety of attacks and should be required unless you have specific reasons not to require it, such as certain throughput/latency requirements for specific workloads.  




  • Jose_Franco's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Greetings Ned.


    Sorry friend, we have a question, recently an auditing company is forcing us to activate the option:

    KLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Name "RequireSecuritySignature"

    HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters -Name "RequireSecuritySignature"


    On both clients and servers


    We realized through wireshark that some communications are being encrypted without having to activate that option, although we have other communications that are seen in status:


    Signature: 00000000000000000000000000000000


    All of our domain controllers currently have this option disabled. Could you tell me if it is dangerous to activate this in our company or what you recommend regarding SMB signing issues. Currently we are already using smb2 and smb1 is rarely used in our company

  • himanshu2385 Hi. There's no way to use a certificate to authenticate as a user or application, it's something we've thought about doing for some years but never gotten around to it. However, if you use SMB over QUIC, you will use certificates for the QUIC auth prior to using classic user/password auth on SMB inside the encryption tunnel.

  • himanshu2385's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Ned,

    I am exploring for method to sign in to SMB share using certificates. Currently I am using username/password method. Can you point me to some of your article in this direction which can help to setup such a env where a user can login to SMB by presenting its certificate. Thanks in advance 🙂