Object-oriented Java programming
Many world wide academic institutions, teach the fundamental ideas behind the object-oriented approach to programming through the widely used Java programming language. Concentrating on aspects of Java that best demonstrate object-oriented principles and good practice, you’ll gain a solid basis for further study of the Java language and object-oriented software development. Some experience in writing computer programs is essential.
Welcome to Java on Azure
Learn Module
Introduction to Java on Azure
Choose the right Azure service for deploying your Java application
Deploy a Spring Boot app to Azure
Deploy a Java web app to Azure App Service
Deploy Spring microservices to Azure
Build a real-time event-driven Java solution in Azure
Deploy a Java EE (Jakarta EE) application to Azure
Rapidly develop and deploy Java apps using GitHub Actions or Azure Pipelines
Enable asynchronous messaging in Java apps by using JMS and Azure Service Bus
Sign in users with Azure Active Directory in a Java web app
Accelerate and scale a Spring Boot application with Azure Cache for Redis
Build a Java app with cloud-scale NoSQL Cosmos DB
Develop Java web app on Azure using IntelliJ
Develop Java web app on Azure using Maven
Develop Java serverless Functions on Azure using Maven
Monitoring Java applications on Azure
In the Object-oriented view of software, programs are considered to be collections of objects that interact using each other’s methods and their results. These ideas are at the forefront of modern software development.
The module takes an ‘objects first’ approach to teaching; you start seeing and interacting with objects right from the very start. This is achieved using IDE features that allow you to learn principles about construction and method calling.
Java on Azure - Learn | Microsoft Docs
These module continues the teaching about fundamental object-oriented ideas by investigating:
- how to control the initial state of newly created objects
- different kinds of variables and methods in Java
- different kinds of data, including primitive and object types
- inheritance hierarchies and their impact on code reuse
- overriding methods and polymorphism
- abstract classes and interfaces
- file input and output.
Along the way, you’ll learn about Java structures for selection and iteration, and more about some of the core, provided Java classes. We introduce you to ideas about writing Java code in a good style and using appropriate design, as well as about different kinds of errors you will encounter and how to deal with them.
As you go on, you’ll develop increasingly complex Azure based object-oriented projects from scratch, using the various IDEs, and gain a better understanding of the more complex examples of Azure Services.
The last part of the module begins by investigating how data is written to and from files in Java and how objects can be made persistent by writing them to file. These techniques are useful in larger scale programs and implement cloud based services.
Updated Jul 27, 2021
Version 2.0Lee_Stott
Joined September 25, 2018
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