Blog Post

Educator Developer Blog

How to train, large scale, state of the art, neural networks on the Microsoft Data Science VM

Lee_Stott's avatar
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Mar 21, 2019
First published on MSDN on Mar 27, 2018

Dr Adrian Rosebrock – Computer vision expert @ , author of a popular Kickstarter deep learning for computer vision book

Adrian has posted a great series of guest blogs on how he trains large scale state of the art neural networks on the Microsoft Data Science VM and shares the results of the experiments from using the NVidia  K80 and V100 GPUs

Here is the full blog series:

· Deep Learning & Computer Vision in the Microsoft Azure Cloud

· 22 Minutes to 2nd Place in a Kaggle Competition, with Deep Learning & Azure

· Training state-of-the-art neural networks in the Microsoft Azure cloud

Adrian’s review of the Azure DSVM at

If you want to learn about deep learning and computer vision, Adrian book and blog are highly recommended.

Updated Mar 21, 2019
Version 2.0
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