The product team of Lab Services has now put together a list of resources to help affected academic institutions get started fast with virtual labs for their classrooms.
These include a revised guide on the Lab Account governance for ITs and best practices for teachers on how to set up and manage students VMs in a Lab.
Documented class types Scenarios
Deep learning in natural language processing
Shell scripting on Linux
Ethical hacking
Database management
Python and Jupyter notebooks
Mobile app development with Android Studio
Lab Account (for IT admins)
Lab account setup guide
Understand your school's lab account requirements
Set up your lab account
The first step that needs to be completed by administrators is to set up a lab account within your Azure subscription. A lab account is a container for your classroom labs and only takes a few minutes to set up.
Labs (for ITs/professors)
Classroom lab setup guide
Understand your class's lab requirements
Set up your lab
Best practices for professors
What software requirements does the class have?
What hardware requirements does the class have?
What dependencies does the class have on external Azure or network resources?
How will costs be controlled?
How will students save their work?
How will students connect to their VM?
Deciding between Lab Services and Azure Windows Virtual Desktop
What is Azure Lab Services?
What is Windows Virtual Desktop?
Which Do I Use?
Public community Forum for discussions and questions