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Troubleshooting Common issues with Elastic Jobs in Azure SQL Database

Kate_Smith's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 05, 2020
Elastic Jobs are currently in public preview.  The feature is ready and we are preparing to make it officially generally available.  No extra steps are required to get started.


Determining the Cause of Failure

Assume for the purposes of demonstration that I have created a job with a typo (missing parenthesis before the CREATE) in it:


I run the job several times, but it fails. We can see this in the portal, or through Azure Cloud Shell:


We can confirm the failure by issuing the following query in Sql Server Management Studio when connected to the job database (this hosts my Elastic Jobs agent) directly:


FROM jobs.job_executions  
WHERE job_name = 'demo123'
ORDER BY start_time DESC 




Using any of these three methods confirms that the job failed. So, the first step is to drill down onto the failure message by executing the following query:


SELECT last_message  
FROM jobs.job_executions 
WHERE job_name = 'demo123' AND step_name <> 'NULL'



 This yields the following error message:


Failed to determine members of SqlServerTarget (server name 'targetserver', server location ''): Cannot open server 'targetserver' requested by the login. Client with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect. (Msg 40615, Level 14, State 1, Line 65536) 


Fixing the Firewall Rules

This error means that the Elastic Job Agent cannot connect to the target server(s) because the target has some firewall rules blocking the connection requests.  Indeed - it is required that every target in the target group allows connections from Azure Services in order for Elastic Jobs to work.  To fix this, I go to the target server in the Azure Portal and click on the “Firewalls and virtual networks” item under “Security”.  Next, I toggle the "Allow Azure services" from OFF to ON, and save my changes.  



Fixing Typos or Syntax Errors in Job Steps

Now, we re-execute the job, but the execution fails again.  If I use SQL Server Management Studio to execute the same query as before, I can get the most recent failure message.  This time, the error is: 


Command failed: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'create'. (Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1) 


Recall that we expected this, since we knew there was a typo in the T-SQL used to define the step.  I am going to update the T-SQL with the correct parenthesis.  There are two ways to update a job step when you want to make this kind of a change - T-SQL or PowerShell.  If you are using T-SQL, you will want to use the stored procedure jobs.sp_update_jobstep .  In PowerShell you will use the Set-AzSqlElasticJobStep command from the specific job step you want to change.  I am going to update my job step using PowerShell.  To do this, first we need to bind the correct T-SQL text, then bind the specific job step we want to change, and then update it: 


:\> $sqlText1 = "if not exists (select * from sys.Tables where object_id = object_id('T')) create table T (a int, b int)" 
:\> $js = $job | Get-AzSqlElasticJobStep -Name step1
:\> $js | Set-AzSqlElasticJobStep -CommandText $sqlText1


Now that the job step has been updated, we wait for all running instances of the job to complete (if there are any) and re-run the job.  And, of course, check on its execution.


:\> $job | Start-AzSqlElasticJob 



Next, we can check the status by executing our query about job executions from Management Studio.  Note the job_version is now 2 instead of 1 (because of the update).  The job is running, and can complete successfully.




This post concludes my series covering Elastic Jobs on Azure SQL Database. I hope that you found it informative and helpful.


This blog is part of a series about Elastic Jobs on Azure SQL Database.

Code samples are also available on GitHub.  

  1. Elastic Jobs in Azure SQL Database – What and Why
  2. Fundamental Concepts for Elastic Jobs in Azure SQL Database
  3. Creating an Elastic Jobs Agent, Credentials, and Jobs for Azure SQL Database in PowerShell
  4. Creating an Elastic Jobs Agent, Credentials, and Jobs for Azure SQL Database using T-SQL
  5. Running, Scheduling and Monitoring Elastic Jobs in Azure SQL Database
  6. Troubleshooting Common issues with Elastic Jobs in Azure SQL Database
Updated Apr 18, 2022
Version 5.0
  • agerard's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Kate_Smiththanks for this info! I'm running into a problem that I cannot figure out how to... well... figure out.

    Failed to determine members of SqlServerTarget (server name '', server location ''): Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'. The server is not currently configured to accept this token.

    I believe this error is saying the refresh credential cannot login to enumerate the databases in the target group's servers. I have created the refresh credential as instructed, and have added the proper permissions for that credential in the master database on each of the target servers. I have the servers set up with Auditing to write to a log analytics server, but I am not seeing anything being logged for these failed logins, nor do I know what <token-identified principal> is or how to find out what it is.


    Any tips on how I should proceed?

  • CWard1974's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have an Elastic Job setup to call a SQL SP.  When I run the SQL SP from SSMS it can take 15 to 2hrs to run depending on which database it is running on.  When the Elastic Job runs it finishes in about 300 seconds for 9 different databases without any errors.  There is no way it's actually calling the SP for 9 databases in 300 seconds when I know one of them can take over an hour.

    How do I figure out what is the issue here?

  • DanIzzi's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Kate_Smith. Could you please assist me here anyone really? I am trying to run the elastic job but its failing I get the error below. I have set the database scoped credential and on target server I have set the login and user to access for the DB and assigned db_ddladmin role. What am I doing wrong here. Also the target server has the access from Azure service allow option. I run out of Ideas please help. 






  • Nadia_Onorati I found the issue for me, and it was that I was using PoSh to create the credentials and the password contained a $ sign which needs to be escaped in PoSh. So I simply removed the $ from the password and everything works fine now.




    Michael MacGregor

  • Kate_Smith 

    I am getting a "Failed to connect to the target database: Login failed for user '<job_credential>'. (Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 65536)". I checked the login and it connects just fine. Why am I getting this error?


    Michael MacGregor

  • platar's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    This is such a thorough explanation of this subject.  Thank you for publishing it!


    BTW, 'Rules' is misspelled in 'Fixing the Firewall Rultes.'