As part of our commitment to support the data community, we operate under the mantra “Community-Owned, Microsoft-Empowered". We created an advisory council made up of community and user group leaders from all over the globe to advise Microsoft on community needs. As existing members depart or complete their terms, we come to the community to find interested, passionate individuals to serve. From our most recent set of applicants, we have asked Rodrigo Crespi and Ben Weissman to join us. That leaves an open seat on the Council and we're hoping you're interested in giving back.
What's involved with the Azure Data Community Advisory Council
The Council was set up to advise Microsoft on what the Data Community wants and/or needs. It consists of nine members from across the world. Each Member serves a two-year term on the council. Meetings are held every other Wednesday for 45 minutes at 2pm (GMT). While attending all meetings is not mandatory, we encourage you to attend most. If you cannot attend a meeting, we would ask that you participate by providing your questions or feedback in our Teams channel. During the meetings, the council members discuss what is happening in the community and what can be done to benefit, grow or serve the community. We discuss any questions or suggestions submitted via our form, created after we announced the best way to reach the members. Several members lead smaller committees like the “How-to” Wiki Group, and a Code of Conduct Recommendation Group that is working to establish some resources and guidelines for establishing and enforcing Codes of Conduct at events both in person and virtual. You may be invited to lead or join a similar initiative put forth by the community or council.
Application & Review Process
Applications will be accepted until JAN 31, 2023. The current council members will review applicants to ensure they meet minimum requirements. The list of applicants will be narrowed down by each council member giving a Yes or No vote. No one will be excluded by a single no vote. Applicants will then be sorted based on votes, qualifications, experience, Council needs and recommendations. Remaining applicants will meet with at least two current council members for an interview to discuss their interests, goals and answer any questions the nominee may have. Finally, existing council members will choose three members from that pool by popular vote. New term for this slate of members begins immediately upon acceptance. Link to application is provided below.
Requirements to join the Council are:
- Must be in a leadership role in a current Azure Data Community User Group.
- Must be able to sign an NDA with Microsoft.
- Must not be a Microsoft employee.
- Experience in organizing a community event is not required, but is preferred.
If a seat on the Council becomes vacant during the first 18 months of their term, the remaining council members will select a replacement from the applications submitted during the last replacement cycle. Information submitted via this process will only be visible to the nine (9) people serving on the council and up to two (2) Microsoft employees that collaborate with the Council. The data will be stored in a secure location. After 18 months, the data will be purged.
If you are interested in joining the Azure Data Community Advisory Council, please apply here.
If you have any questions about the process or want to reach a member of the Council, use
Updated Jan 19, 2023
Version 3.0RieMerritt
Joined December 04, 2020
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