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Azure Database Support Blog

Lesson Learned #265: Deadlock due to Non-Optimized Queries

Jose_Manuel_Jurado's avatar
Jan 02, 2023

Today, I worked on a performance case where our customer got the following error message: ('40001', '[40001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID NNN) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (1205) (SQLExecute)').


Following I would like to share with you how we found out the problem, solved and improve it. 


First, we have the following Python code:



import csv
import pyodbc
import threading
import os
import datetime

SQL_server = ',1433'
SQL_database = 'DatabaseName'
SQL_user = 'username'
SQL_password = 'Password'

filepath = 'C:\SourceCode\\PYTHON'
filelog = filepath + '\\Error.log'

chunksize = 10000

class ThreadsOrder:
    Threads = []

    def Clean(self,NumberThreads):
        for t in range(0,NumberThreads):
    def Available(self):
        for t in self.Threads:
            slot+= 1
            if( t == 0 ):
                return slot
        return -1      

    def ExecuteSQL(self,n,a):
        TExecutor = threading.Thread(target=ExecuteSQLcc,args=(a,n,)) = "Process - " + str(n)
    def ChangeStatus(self,n,value):
        SaveResults('Thread ' + str(n) + ' changed to ' + str(value),False)                              

def SaveResults( Message, bSaveFile):

        if (bSaveFile==True):
            t =            
            file_object  = open(filelog, "a") 
            file_object.write(datetime.datetime.strftime(t, '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S') + '-' + Message + '\n' )
    except BaseException as e:
        print('And error occurred - ' , format(e))

def ExecuteSQLcc(a,n):
        cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False)
        cursor = cnxn1.cursor()
        cursor.fast_executemany = True
        cursor.executemany("MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT ? as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);",a)                          
    except BaseException as e:
            SaveResults('Executing SQL - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)

def ExecuteSQLLimpia():
        SaveResults('Truncating the table',True)
        cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False)
        cursor = cnxn1.cursor()
        cursor.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE [test_data]")     
    except BaseException as e:
            SaveResults('Truncating - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)

pThreadOrder = ThreadsOrder()
line_total = 0

for directory, subdirectories, files in os.walk(filepath):
    for file in files:
      name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
      if ext == '.csv': 
            line_count = 0
            SaveResults('Reading the file ' + name ,True)
            with open(os.path.join(directory,file), mode='r') as csv_file:
              csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
              for row in csv_reader:
                    line_count+= 1  
                    if line_count>1:    

                    if (line_count%chunksize)==0:
                        nThread = pThreadOrder.Available()
                            nThread = pThreadOrder.Available()
                            print('Waiting for available Thread ' + str(line_total))

                        SaveResults('Review Thread ' + str(nThread) + ' process rows ' + str(line_count),True)                              
              SaveResults('Processed ' + str(line_count) + ' lines for the file ' + name, True)




  • This Python code is reading a csv file that contains 23 columns. 
  • Every 10000 rows read of this csv file, Python will execute in another thread (up to 100 threads at the same time) a merge TSQL command with the following objetive:
    • Verify if the Key exists already in the table
    • If YES, update the column duplicate
    • if NO, insert the information in the table. 


Definition of the table




/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[test_data]    Script Date: 02/01/2023 17:36:34 ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test_data](
	[Key] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Num_TEST] [int] NULL,
	[TEST_01] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_02] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_03] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_04] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_05] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_06] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_07] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_08] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_09] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_10] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_11] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_12] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_13] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_14] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_15] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_16] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_17] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_18] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_19] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[TEST_20] [varchar](6) NULL,
	[Duplicate] [bit] NULL




We analyzed what is the dominant wait stat, as expected, the wait stats is Lock:



And the query and execution plan is:




declare @p1 int
set @p1=NULL
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 nvarchar(10),@P2 nvarchar(2),@P3 nvarchar(12),@P4 nvarchar(12),@P5 nvarchar(1),@P6 nvarchar(1),@P7 nvarchar(1),@P8 nvarchar(1),@P9 nvarchar(1),@P10 nvarchar(1),@P11 nvarchar(1),@P12 nvarchar(1),@P13 nvarchar(1),@P14 nvarchar(1),@P15 nvarchar(1),@P16 nvarchar(1),@P17 nvarchar(1),@P18 nvarchar(1),@P19 nvarchar(1),@P20 nvarchar(1),@P21 nvarchar(1),@P22 nvarchar(1),@P23 nvarchar(10)',N'MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT @P1 as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7,@P8,@P9,@P10,@P11,@P12,@P13,@P14,@P15,@P16,@P17,@P18,@P19,@P20,@P21,@P22,@P23);',N'30000',N'2',N'D33579',N'D62074',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'',N'30000'
select @p1




MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT @P1 as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7,@P8,@P9,@P10,@P11,@P12,@P13,@P14,@P15,@P16,@P17,@P18,@P19,@P20,@P21,@P22,@P23);



Using select * from sys.dm_tran_locks we could see the reason of the deadlock: we have transactions with a lock in between the updates of others in a single transaction. 




  • I saw several things to work:
    • Why we have a table scan with 92%?
      • We saw that our customer is using a HeapTable without any index, to find out the value. So, in this case, we are going to create an index for that, reducing and avoid any table scan and deadlock for resources.
        • We could create a nonclustered index maintaining the heap table or
        • We could create a clustered index.
      • In this case, after creating a clustered index.


  • Why the parameters are nvarchar when the table structure is varchar and Why we have a convert implicit seeking the key. 
    • I found that Python3 are sending all the parameters in Unicode, so, converting the values in the query to the right format, I could save a few miliseconds per query. 


def ExecuteSQLcc(a,n):
        cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False)
        cursor = cnxn1.cursor()
        cursor.fast_executemany = True
        cursor.executemany("MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT CONVERT(int,?) as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(CONVERT(int,?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(int,?));",a)                          
    except BaseException as e:
            SaveResults('Executing SQL - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)
declare @p1 int
set @p1=null
exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@P1 nvarchar(10),@P2 nvarchar(4),@P3 nvarchar(12),@P4 nvarchar(12),@P5 nvarchar(12),@P6 nvarchar(12),@P7 nvarchar(12),@P8 nvarchar(12),@P9 nvarchar(12),@P10 nvarchar(12),@P11 nvarchar(12),@P12 nvarchar(12),@P13 nvarchar(12),@P14 nvarchar(12),@P15 nvarchar(12),@P16 nvarchar(12),@P17 nvarchar(12),@P18 nvarchar(12),@P19 nvarchar(12),@P20 nvarchar(12),@P21 nvarchar(12),@P22 nvarchar(12),@P23 nvarchar(10)',N'MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT CONVERT(int,@P1) as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(CONVERT(int,@P2),convert(varchar(6),@P3),convert(varchar(6),@P4),convert(varchar(6),@P5),convert(varchar(6),@P6),convert(varchar(6),@P7),convert(varchar(6),@P8),convert(varchar(6),@P9),convert(varchar(6),@P10),convert(varchar(6),@P11),convert(varchar(6),@P12),convert(varchar(6),@P13),convert(varchar(6),@P14),convert(varchar(6),@P15),convert(varchar(6),@P16),convert(varchar(6),@P17),convert(varchar(6),@P18),convert(varchar(6),@P19),convert(varchar(6),@P20),convert(varchar(6),@P21),convert(varchar(6),@P22),convert(int,@P23));',N'99739',N'20',N'D23063',N'D92294',N'D31858',N'D58259',N'D25084',N'D38396',N'D60646',N'D54678',N'D61377',N'D35637',N'D89828',N'D44396',N'D26608',N'D71205',N'D91092',N'D43897',N'D32687',N'D12671',N'D36501',N'D90202',N'99739'
select @p1



  • Finally, in order to improve the performance more, we suggested to use an explicit conversion in the code:


def ExecuteSQLcc(a,n):
        cnxn1 = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=" + SQL_server + ";DATABASE=" + SQL_database + ";UID=" +SQL_user+';PWD='+ SQL_password, autocommit=False)
        cursor = cnxn1.cursor()
        cursor.fast_executemany = True
        ##cursor.executemany("MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT CONVERT(int,?) as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);",a)                          
        cursor.executemany("MERGE INTO [dbo].[test_data] AS T USING (SELECT CONVERT(int,?) as [Key]) as NewVal([Key]) ON t.[Key] = newval.[Key] WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Duplicate = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Num_TEST, TEST_01, TEST_02, TEST_03, TEST_04, TEST_05, TEST_06, TEST_07, TEST_08, TEST_09, TEST_10, TEST_11, TEST_12, TEST_13, TEST_14, TEST_15, TEST_16, TEST_17, TEST_18, TEST_19, TEST_20, [Key]) values(CONVERT(int,?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(varchar(6),?),convert(int,?));",a)                          
    except BaseException as e:
            SaveResults('Executing SQL - an error occurred - ' + format(e),True)




exec sp_execute 1,89991,10,'D46524','D57566','D69960','D86195','D20493','D17178','D40703','D60016','D24064','D69131','','','','','','','','','','',89991



Right now, we reduced a lot the performance but, our customer needs to reduce more the time, in this case, as all threads in SQL Server is  SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD and runable, means that we need more CPUs, in this case, we changed from 2 vCores to 4 vCores and we reduced this time. 



 substring(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(ST.text, (req.statement_start_offset/2) + 1, (
(CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(ST.text) ELSE req.statement_end_offset END
- req.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) , CHAR(10), ' '), CHAR(13), ' '), 1, 512) AS statement_text
, sysproc.ecid
, sysproc.cpu
, sysproc.sql_handle
, req.cpu_time 'cpu_time_ms'
, req.status
, wait_time
, wait_resource
, wait_type
, last_wait_type
, req.total_elapsed_time
, total_scheduled_time
, req.row_count as [Row Count]
, command
, scheduler_id
, memory_usage
, req.writes
, req.reads
, req.logical_reads, blocking_session_id

FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS req
inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions as sess on sess.session_id = req.session_id
inner join sys.sysprocesses as sysproc on sess.session_id = sysproc.spid
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) as ST
where req.session_id <> @@SPID and sysproc.status <> 'background'
order by sess.session_id, sysproc.ecid





Updated Jan 02, 2023
Version 2.0
  • Jeff_Moden's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Heh... I have to laugh.  One of the companies I do work for did something similar except that it took them months to figure out how to do it.  They still don't have the error reporting up to snuff, either.


    I showed them how to use BULK INSERT with sequestering of bad rows, etc, and then wrote a good ol' fashion "Upsert" in T-SQL.  I don't recall the exact amount of time but it seemed like just a couple of almost "leisurely" hours with lot's of thoughtful tugs on the ol' coffee mug and the end product was nasty fast.


    People always seem to provide the advice of "To a hammer, everything looks like a nail".  My retort to that is "When you're trying to drive nails, use the right hammer".  :lol:


    Thank you for the article.  These things take time to put them together and I really appreciate it!