- Multiple Azure SQL DB instances
- Multiple databases in total
- Multiple instances consist of multiple databases
- Different subscriptions exist for different environments (Dev, UAT, Prod)
- Schedule maintenance jobs for all instances
- All of them should run parallelly
- No dependency of one job on another
- Per subscription one automation account can be created
Overview of Steps to be followed:
- Create Azure automation account
- Import SQLServer module
- Add Credentials to access SQL DB
- Add a runbook to run the maintenance
- Schedule task
Create new automation account
Login to your Azure portal and search “automation account” in the search bar.
Choose Automation Accounts from the results:
- Click "create"
- Fill the form, choose a name for your automation account, and choose in which resource group it will be placed.
- Click "create" and wait for the account to be created.
Import SQLServer module
- Click on "Modules" at the left options panel, and then click on "Browse Gallery" and search for "SQLServer"
- Choose "SqlServer" by matteot_msft
- Then click on "import" and the "OK"
- Wait for the import to complete
Add Credentials to access SQL DB
This will use secure way to hold login name and password that will be used to access Azure SQL DB.
Note: You can skip this and use it as clear text if you like to use clear text skip to the next step.
- Under "Shared Resources" click on credentials
- Then click on "Add Credential"
- Type "SQLCred"(or whatever name you want to provide for your credentials) as the name of the credential.
- In the username field type the SQL Login that will be used for maintenance and its password.
- Click "Create"
Add a runbook to run the maintenance
- Click on "runbooks" at the left panel and then click "add a runbook"
- Choose "create a new runbook" and then give it a name and choose "Powershell" as the type of the runbook and then click on "create"
- Copy and paste the following row to the new runbook (in case of 1 Azure SQL Server and 1 Azure SQL DB).
- Make sure you change your database properties.
(Thanks to my colleague Vasukhi K S to help me with the code testing in different scenarios)
$AzureSQLServerName = "<ServerName>"
$AzureSQLDatabaseName = "<DatabaseName>"
$AzureSQLServerName = $AzureSQLServerName + ""
$Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "SQLCred"
$SQLOutput = $(Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $AzureSQLServerName -Username $Cred.UserName -Password $Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Database $AzureSQLDatabaseName -Query "exec [dbo].[AzureSQLMaintenance] @Operation='all' ,@LogToTable=1" -QueryTimeout 65535 -ConnectionTimeout 60 -Verbose) 4>&1
Write-Output $SQLOutput
- Click on Publish and confirm.
- Create a new runbook again
- Copy and paste the following row to the new runbook (in case of 1 Azure SQL Server and multiple Azure SQL DBs).
$ServerInstance = "<ServerName>" ## instance name
$Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "SQLCred"
$Databases = Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Username $Cred.UserName -Password $Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Database master -Query "SELECT [name] AS [Database] FROM sys.databases WHERE name not in ('master') ORDER BY 1 DESC;"
foreach ($DB in $Databases)
Write-Output "Processing $($DB.Database)..."
$SQLOutput = Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Username $Cred.UserName -Password $Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Database $DB.Database -Query "EXECUTE dbo.IndexOptimize @Databases = $($DB.Database) ,@MinNumberOfPages = 1000,@FragmentationLow = NULL,@FragmentationMedium = 'INDEX_REORGANIZE,INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE',@FragmentationHigh = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE',@FragmentationLevel1 = 5,@FragmentationLevel2 = 30,@logToTable = 'Y';" -OutputSqlErrors:$true -Verbose
Write-Output “Complete”
For running these PowerShell scripts on the databases, we should first have the required objects created in the database. Please refer to following pointers for creation of objects:
- In case of 1 Server 1 DB
Create stored procedure “AzureSQLDBMaintenance” as per the attached script below:
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[AzureSQLMaintenance] ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[AzureSQLMaintenance]
@operation nvarchar(10) = null,
@mode nvarchar(10) = 'smart',
@ResumableIndexRebuild bit = 0,
@RebuildHeaps bit = 0,
@LogToTable bit = 0,
@debug nvarchar = 'none'
set nocount on;
--- Varialbles and pre conditions check
set quoted_identifier on;
declare @idxIdentifierBegin char(1), @idxIdentifierEnd char(1);
declare @statsIdentifierBegin char(1), @statsIdentifierEnd char(1);
declare @msg nvarchar(max);
declare @minPageCountForIndex int = 40;
declare @OperationTime datetime2 = sysdatetime();
declare @KeepXOperationInLog int =3;
declare @ScriptHasAnError int = 0;
declare @ResumableIndexRebuildSupported int;
declare @indexStatsMode sysname;
declare @LowFragmentationBoundry int = 5;
declare @HighFragmentationBoundry int = 30;
/* make sure parameters selected correctly */
set @operation = lower(@operation)
set @mode = lower(@mode)
set @debug = lower(@debug) /* any value at this time will produce the temp tables as permanent tables */
if @mode not in ('smart','dummy')
set @mode = 'smart'
--- Begin
if @operation not in ('index','statistics','all') or @operation is null
raiserror('@operation (varchar(10)) [mandatory]',0,0)
raiserror(' Select operation to perform:',0,0)
raiserror(' "index" to perform index maintenance',0,0)
raiserror(' "statistics" to perform statistics maintenance',0,0)
raiserror(' "all" to perform indexes and statistics maintenance',0,0)
raiserror(' ',0,0)
raiserror('@mode(varchar(10)) [optional]',0,0)
raiserror(' optionaly you can supply second parameter for operation mode: ',0,0)
raiserror(' "smart" (Default) using smart decision about what index or stats should be touched.',0,0)
raiserror(' "dummy" going through all indexes and statistics regardless thier modifications or fragmentation.',0,0)
raiserror(' ',0,0)
raiserror('@ResumableIndexRebuild(bit) [optional]',0,0)
raiserror(' optionaly you can choose to rebuild indexes as resumable operation: ',0,0)
raiserror(' "0" (Default) using non resumable index rebuild.',0,0)
raiserror(' "1" using resumable index rebuild when it is supported.',0,0)
raiserror(' ',0,0)
raiserror('@RebuildHeaps(bit) [optional]',0,0)
raiserror(' Logging option: @LogToTable(bit)',0,0)
raiserror(' 0 - (Default) do not log operation to table',0,0)
raiserror(' 1 - log operation to table',0,0)
raiserror(' for logging option only 3 last execution will be kept by default. this can be changed by easily in the procedure body.',0,0)
raiserror(' Log table will be created automatically if not exists.',0,0)
raiserror(' ',0,0)
raiserror('@LogToTable(bit) [optional]',0,0)
raiserror(' Rebuild HEAPS to fix forwarded records issue on tables with no clustered index',0,0)
raiserror(' 0 - (Default) do not rebuild heaps',0,0)
raiserror(' 1 - Rebuild heaps based on @mode parameter, @mode=dummy will rebuild all heaps',0,0)
raiserror(' ',0,0)
raiserror(' exec AzureSQLMaintenance ''all'', @LogToTable=1',0,0)
--- Prepare log table
/* Prepare Log Table */
if object_id('AzureSQLMaintenanceLog') is null and @LogToTable=1
create table AzureSQLMaintenanceLog (id bigint primary key identity(1,1), OperationTime datetime2, command varchar(4000),ExtraInfo varchar(4000), StartTime datetime2, EndTime datetime2, StatusMessage varchar(1000));
--- Resume operation
/*Check is there is operation to resume*/
if OBJECT_ID('AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue') is not null
/*resume information exists*/ exists(select * from AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue where ID=-1)
/*resume operation confirmed*/
set @operation='resume' -- set operation to resume, this can only be done by the proc, cannot get this value as parameter
-- restore operation parameters
select top 1
@LogToTable = JSON_VALUE(ExtraInfo,'$.LogToTable')
,@mode = JSON_VALUE(ExtraInfo,'$.mode')
,@ResumableIndexRebuild = JSON_VALUE(ExtraInfo,'$.ResumableIndexRebuild')
from AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue
where ID=-1
set @msg = 'Resuming previous operation'
-- table [AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue] exist but resume information does not exists
-- this might happen in case execution intrupted between collecting index & ststistics information and executing commands.
-- to fix that we drop the table now, it will be recreated later
DROP TABLE [AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue];
--- Report operation parameters
/*Write operation parameters*/
set @msg = 'set operation = ' + @operation;
set @msg = 'set mode = ' + @mode;
set @msg = 'set ResumableIndexRebuild = ' + cast(@ResumableIndexRebuild as varchar(1));
set @msg = 'set RebuildHeaps = ' + cast(@RebuildHeaps as varchar(1));
set @msg = 'set LogToTable = ' + cast(@LogToTable as varchar(1));
if @LogToTable=1 insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceLog values(@OperationTime,null,null,sysdatetime(),sysdatetime(),'Starting operation: Operation=' +@operation + ' Mode=' + @mode + ' Keep log for last ' + cast(@KeepXOperationInLog as varchar(10)) + ' operations' )
-- create command queue table, if there table exits then we resume operation in earlier stage.
if @operation!='resume'
create table AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue (ID int identity primary key,txtCMD nvarchar(max),ExtraInfo varchar(max))
--- Check if engine support resumable index operation
if @ResumableIndexRebuild=1
if cast(SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition')as int)>=5 or cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductMajorVersion')as int)>=14
set @ResumableIndexRebuildSupported=1;
set @ResumableIndexRebuildSupported=0;
set @msg = 'Resumable index rebuild is not supported on this database'
if @LogToTable=1 insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceLog values(@OperationTime,null,null,sysdatetime(),sysdatetime(),@msg)
--- Index maintenance
if @operation in('index','all')
if @mode='smart' and @RebuildHeaps=1
set @indexStatsMode = 'SAMPLED'
set @indexStatsMode = 'LIMITED'
raiserror('Get index information...(wait)',0,0) with nowait;
/* Get Index Information */
/* using inner join - this eliminates indexes that we cannot maintain such as indexes on functions */
,ObjectSchema = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(idxs.object_id)
,ObjectName = object_name(idxs.object_id)
,IndexName =
,null as OnlineOpIsNotSupported
,null as ObjectDoesNotSupportResumableOperation
,0 as SkipIndex
,replicate('',128) as SkipReason
into #idxBefore
from sys.indexes idxs
inner join sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),NULL, NULL, NULL ,@indexStatsMode) i on i.object_id = idxs.object_id and i.index_id = idxs.index_id
where idxs.type in (0 /*HEAP*/,1/*CLUSTERED*/,2/*NONCLUSTERED*/)
and (alloc_unit_type_desc = 'IN_ROW_DATA' /*avoid LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA*/ or alloc_unit_type_desc is null /*for ColumnStore indexes*/)
and OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(idxs.object_id) != 'sys'
and idxs.is_disabled=0
order by i.avg_fragmentation_in_percent desc, i.page_count desc
-- mark indexes XML,spatial and columnstore not to run online update
update #idxBefore set OnlineOpIsNotSupported=1 where [object_id] in (select [object_id] from #idxBefore where [type]=3 /*XML Indexes*/)
-- mark clustered indexes for tables with 'text','ntext','image' to rebuild offline
update #idxBefore set OnlineOpIsNotSupported=1
where index_id=1 /*clustered*/ and [object_id] in (
select object_id
from sys.columns c join sys.types t on c.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
where in ('text','ntext','image')
-- do all as offline for box edition that does not support online
update #idxBefore set OnlineOpIsNotSupported=1
where /* Editions that does not support online operation in case this has been used with on-prem server */
convert(varchar(100),serverproperty('Edition')) like '%Express%'
or convert(varchar(100),serverproperty('Edition')) like '%Standard%'
or convert(varchar(100),serverproperty('Edition')) like '%Web%'
-- Do non resumable operation when index contains computed column or timestamp data type
update idx set ObjectDoesNotSupportResumableOperation=1
from #idxBefore idx join sys.index_columns ic on idx.object_id = ic.object_id and idx.index_id=ic.index_id
join sys.columns c on ic.object_id=c.object_id and ic.column_id=c.column_id
where c.is_computed=1 or system_type_id=189 /*TimeStamp column*/
-- set SkipIndex=1 if conditions for maintenance are not met
-- this is used to idntify if stats need to be updated or not.
-- Check#1 - if table is too small
update #idxBefore set SkipIndex=1,SkipReason='Maintenance is not needed as table is too small'
where (
/*Table is small*/
and @mode != 'dummy' /*for Dummy mode we do not want to skip anything */
-- Check#2 - if table is not small and fragmentation % is too low
update #idxBefore set SkipIndex=1,SkipReason='Maintenance is not needed as fragmentation % is low'
where (
/*Table is big enough - but fragmentation is less than 5%*/
(page_count>@minPageCountForIndex and avg_fragmentation_in_percent<@LowFragmentationBoundry)
and @mode != 'dummy' /*for Dummy mode we do not want to skip anything */
-- Skip columnstore indexes
update #idxBefore set SkipIndex=1,SkipReason='Columnstore index'
where (
type in (
5/*Clustered columnstore index*/,
6/*Nonclustered columnstore index*/
and @mode != 'dummy' /*for Dummy mode we do not want to skip anything */
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
raiserror('Index Information:',0,0) with nowait
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
select @msg = count(*) from #idxBefore
set @msg = 'Total Indexes: ' + @msg
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
select @msg = avg(avg_fragmentation_in_percent) from #idxBefore where page_count>@minPageCountForIndex
set @msg = 'Average Fragmentation: ' + @msg
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
select @msg = sum(iif(avg_fragmentation_in_percent>=@LowFragmentationBoundry and page_count>@minPageCountForIndex,1,0)) from #idxBefore
set @msg = 'Fragmented Indexes: ' + @msg
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
/* Choose the identifier to be used based on existing object name
this came up from object that contains '[' within the object name
such as "EPK[export].[win_sourceofwealthbpf]" as index name
if we use '[' as identifier it will cause wrong identifier name
if exists(
select 1
from #idxBefore
where IndexName like '%[%' or IndexName like '%]%'
or ObjectSchema like '%[%' or ObjectSchema like '%]%'
or ObjectName like '%[%' or ObjectName like '%]%'
set @idxIdentifierBegin = '"'
set @idxIdentifierEnd = '"'
set @idxIdentifierBegin = '['
set @idxIdentifierEnd = ']'
/* create queue for indexes */
insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue(txtCMD,ExtraInfo)
txtCMD = 'ALTER INDEX ' + @idxIdentifierBegin + IndexName + @idxIdentifierEnd + ' ON '+ @idxIdentifierBegin + ObjectSchema + @idxIdentifierEnd +'.'+ @idxIdentifierBegin + ObjectName + @idxIdentifierEnd + ' ' +
case when (
avg_fragmentation_in_percent between @LowFragmentationBoundry and @HighFragmentationBoundry and @mode = 'smart')/* index fragmentation condition */
(@mode='dummy' and type in (5,6)/* Columnstore indexes in dummy mode -> reorganize them */
) then
when OnlineOpIsNotSupported=1 then
when ObjectDoesNotSupportResumableOperation=1 or @ResumableIndexRebuildSupported=0 or @ResumableIndexRebuild=0 then
, ExtraInfo =
case when type in (5,6) then
'Dummy mode, reorganize columnstore indexes'
'Current fragmentation: ' + format(avg_fragmentation_in_percent/100,'p')+ ' with ' + cast(page_count as nvarchar(20)) + ' pages'
from #idxBefore
where SkipIndex=0 and type != 0 /*Avoid HEAPS*/
--- Index - Heaps
/* create queue for heaps */
if @RebuildHeaps=1
insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue(txtCMD,ExtraInfo)
txtCMD = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @idxIdentifierBegin + ObjectSchema + @idxIdentifierEnd +'.'+ @idxIdentifierBegin + ObjectName + @idxIdentifierEnd + ' REBUILD;'
, ExtraInfo = 'Rebuilding heap - forwarded records ' + cast(forwarded_record_count as varchar(100)) + ' out of ' + cast(record_count as varchar(100)) + ' record in the table'
from #idxBefore
type = 0 /*heaps*/
(forwarded_record_count/nullif(record_count,0)>0.3) /* 30% of record count */
(forwarded_record_count>105000) /* for tables with > 350K rows dont wait for 30%, just run yje maintenance once we reach the 100K forwarded records */
end /* create queue for heaps */
--- Statistics maintenance
if @operation in('statistics','all')
/*Gets Stats for database*/
raiserror('Get statistics information...',0,0) with nowait;
ObjectSchema = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(s.object_id)
,ObjectName = object_name(s.object_id)
,StatsName =
, i.type
, i.type_desc
,0 as SkipStatistics
into #statsBefore
from sys.stats s cross apply sys.dm_db_stats_properties(s.object_id,s.stats_id) sp
left join sys.indexes i on sp.object_id = i.object_id and sp.stats_id = i.index_id
where OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(s.object_id) != 'sys' and /*Modified stats or Dummy mode*/(isnull(sp.modification_counter,0)>0 or @mode='dummy')
order by sp.last_updated asc
/*Remove statistics if it is handled by index rebuild / reorginize
I am removing statistics based on existance on the index in the list because for indexes with <5% changes we do not apply
any action - therefore we might decide to update statistics */
if @operation= 'all'
update _stats set SkipStatistics=1
from #statsBefore _stats
join #idxBefore _idx
on _idx.ObjectSchema = _stats.ObjectSchema
and _idx.ObjectName = _stats.ObjectName
and _idx.IndexName = _stats.StatsName
where _idx.SkipIndex=0
/*Skip statistics for Columnstore indexes*/
update #statsBefore set SkipStatistics=1
where type in (5,6) /*Column store indexes*/
/*Skip statistics if resumable operation is pause on the same object*/
if @ResumableIndexRebuildSupported=1
update _stats set SkipStatistics=1
from #statsBefore _stats join sys.index_resumable_operations iro on _stats.object_id=iro.object_id and _stats.stats_id=iro.index_id
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
raiserror('Statistics Information:',0,0) with nowait
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
select @msg = sum(modification_counter) from #statsBefore
set @msg = 'Total Modifications: ' + @msg
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
select @msg = sum(iif(modification_counter>0,1,0)) from #statsBefore
set @msg = 'Modified Statistics: ' + @msg
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
raiserror('---------------------------------------',0,0) with nowait
/* Choose the identifier to be used based on existing object name */
if exists(
select 1
from #statsBefore
where StatsName like '%[%' or StatsName like '%]%'
or ObjectSchema like '%[%' or ObjectSchema like '%]%'
or ObjectName like '%[%' or ObjectName like '%]%'
set @statsIdentifierBegin = '"'
set @statsIdentifierEnd = '"'
set @statsIdentifierBegin = '['
set @statsIdentifierEnd = ']'
/* create queue for update stats */
insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue(txtCMD,ExtraInfo)
txtCMD = 'UPDATE STATISTICS '+ @statsIdentifierBegin + ObjectSchema + +@statsIdentifierEnd + '.'+@statsIdentifierBegin + ObjectName + @statsIdentifierEnd +' (' + @statsIdentifierBegin + StatsName + @statsIdentifierEnd + ') WITH FULLSCAN;'
, ExtraInfo = '#rows:' + cast([rows] as varchar(100)) + ' #modifications:' + cast(modification_counter as varchar(100)) + ' modification percent: ' + format((1.0 * modification_counter/ rows ),'p')
from #statsBefore
where SkipStatistics=0;
if @operation in('statistics','index','all','resume')
declare @SQLCMD nvarchar(max);
declare @ID int;
declare @ExtraInfo nvarchar(max);
/*Print debug information in case debug is activated */
if @debug!='none'
drop table if exists idxBefore
drop table if exists statsBefore
drop table if exists cmdQueue
if object_id('tempdb..#idxBefore') is not null select * into idxBefore from #idxBefore
if object_id('tempdb..#statsBefore') is not null select * into statsBefore from #statsBefore
if object_id('tempdb..AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue') is not null select * into cmdQueue from AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue
/*Save current execution parameters in case resume is needed */
if @operation!='resume'
set @ExtraInfo = (select top 1 LogToTable = @LogToTable, operation=@operation, operationTime=@OperationTime, mode=@mode, ResumableIndexRebuild = @ResumableIndexRebuild from sys.tables for JSON path, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER)
set identity_insert AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue on
insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue(ID,txtCMD,ExtraInfo) values(-1,'parameters to be used by resume code path',@ExtraInfo)
set identity_insert AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue off
--- Executing commands
needed to rebuild indexes on comuted columns
if ANSI_WARNINGS is set to OFF we might get the followin exception:
Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
ALTER INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_WARNINGS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.
raiserror('Start executing commands...',0,0) with nowait
declare @T table(ID int, txtCMD nvarchar(max),ExtraInfo nvarchar(max));
while exists(select * from AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue where ID>0)
update top (1) AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue set txtCMD=txtCMD output deleted.* into @T where ID>0;
select top (1) @ID = ID, @SQLCMD = txtCMD, @ExtraInfo=ExtraInfo from @T
raiserror(@SQLCMD,0,0) with nowait
if @LogToTable=1 insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceLog values(@OperationTime,@SQLCMD,@ExtraInfo,sysdatetime(),null,'Started')
begin try
if @LogToTable=1 update AzureSQLMaintenanceLog set EndTime = sysdatetime(), StatusMessage = 'Succeeded' where id=SCOPE_IDENTITY()
end try
begin catch
set @ScriptHasAnError=1;
raiserror(@msg,0,0) with nowait
if @LogToTable=1 update AzureSQLMaintenanceLog set EndTime = sysdatetime(), StatusMessage = @msg where id=SCOPE_IDENTITY()
end catch
delete from AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue where ID = @ID;
delete from @T
drop table AzureSQLMaintenanceCMDQueue;
--- Clean old records from log table
if @LogToTable=1
delete from AzureSQLMaintenanceLog
AzureSQLMaintenanceLog L join
(select distinct OperationTime from AzureSQLMaintenanceLog order by OperationTime desc offset @KeepXOperationInLog rows) F
ON L.OperationTime = F.OperationTime
insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceLog values(@OperationTime,null,cast(@@rowcount as varchar(100))+ ' rows purged from log table because number of operations to keep is set to: ' + cast( @KeepXOperationInLog as varchar(100)),sysdatetime(),sysdatetime(),'Cleanup Log Table')
if @ScriptHasAnError=0 raiserror('Done',0,0)
if @LogToTable=1 insert into AzureSQLMaintenanceLog values(@OperationTime,null,null,sysdatetime(),sysdatetime(),'End of operation')
if @ScriptHasAnError=1 raiserror('Script has errors - please review the log.',16,1)
- In case of 1 Server multiple DBs
- Create stored procedure “IndexOptimize” as per Ola Hallengren database maintenance scripts.
- Create table “CommandLog” for storing output as per Ola Hallengren database maintenance scripts.
- Create stored procedure “CommandExecute” to execute and log commands as per the Ola Hallengren database maintenance scripts.
Note: You will have to create these objects for each database.
Schedule task
- Click on Schedules
- Click on "Add a schedule" and follow the instructions to choose existing schedule or create a new schedule.
- Choose a time when the application has less or no workload, as running the maintenance might impact on performance while it's executing.
You can monitor the success of the job by reviewing the Automation overview page
You can click on a specific execution and get more details about it including the output of the script
For checking the output, you can also check the tables created for output:
Updated Jun 13, 2022
Version 2.0Swati_Srivastava-MSFT
Joined March 22, 2022
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