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Apps on Azure Blog

GitHub Actions - Azure Function Apps zip deployment - ERROR: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'

chilberto's avatar
Iron Contributor
Nov 03, 2021

Panic stations! My GitHub Action workflows are breaking!


A recent release has been causing a lot of frustration so this is a quick post to hopefully broadcast a temporary workaround.


The error is with Azure Function App zip deployment.







az functionapp deployment source config-zip








The workaround is to downgrade the cli version to 2.28.0. This slows down the pipeline considerably, but works. You can see the impact to my workflow below:

The yaml will remove the current version and install 2.28.0 and is shown below.








      - name: Install az 2.28.0
        shell: powershell
        run: |
          (Get-WmiObject Win32_Product -Filter "Caption='Microsoft Azure CLI'").Uninstall()
          Install-Binary -Url "" -Name "azure-cli.msi" -ArgumentList ("/qn", "/norestart")









The real credit for this workaround goes to the GitHub community. Hard to say who suggested the workaround first.

Issues · Azure/azure-cli (
Unable to zip deploy a function app in the Azure Cloud Shell (version 2.29.0) · Issue #19954 · Azure/azure-cli (

This post will hopefully save someone out there frustration until the fix is available. 





Updated Dec 19, 2022
Version 2.0
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