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Azure Database for MySQL Blog

Announcing a new MySQL Developer Page and Learning Journey!

MarkoHotti's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 01, 2022

We have some exciting news to share! We’ve just published a new practitioner page and a learning journey for developers who want to build and deploy PHP, Python, and Java applications in Azure using Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server on the back end.


The MySQL developer resources page provides links to valuable resources including MySQL Developer Essentials videos, customer stories, and a curated, 30-day MySQL Developer Learning Journey that you can download and use offline.



With the MySQL Developer Learning Journey, developers can learn more about Azure Database for MySQL and application development in Azure through videos, tutorials, and training modules. Developers can take advantage of this learning path to enhance their skills at developing applications faster in Azure.


The Azure Database for MySQL Developer Guide offers a comprehensive approach to developing MySQL-based applications in Azure. This guide contains actionable insights and proven best practices for successfully deploying cloud-based applications for MySQL in Azure. Towards the end of the guide, developers can find links to tutorial jumpstarts, begin developing a sample PHP application, or select an evolved version that uses a microservices architecture on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


The MySQL Developer Essentials Series discusses concepts, use cases, tips, and tricks that are useful for any PHP, Python, and Java developer who want to build and deploy applications in Azure. 


The Azure Database for MySQL - Beginner Series is a set of 16 videos designed to help database administrators and developers quickly ramp up on key features and core concepts of the service, with demos and video tutorials.


We've also recently published three new Microsoft Learn modules that provide new users with detailed guidance and hands-on exercises to help them onboard to our services faster.


Call to action

Take full advantage of these resources by:


If you have any feedback or questions, please leave a comment below or email our team at



Marko Hotti

Sr. Technical Product Manager

Azure Data

Updated Jun 01, 2022
Version 4.0
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