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Feast your eyes on three Microsoft Access infographics

Mark Gillis's avatar
Mark Gillis
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jan 28, 2020

Have you ever tried to explain Access in 25 words or less, but quickly ran out of words? When you are doing an “elevator pitch” for an Access solution, could you use a few good pictures to help cinch the deal? Have you ever needed a good overview of Access for the uninitiated, but couldn’t find one?


Your friendly Access team has the answers to these questions. Three recently completed infographics work as a series to provide an attractive overview of Access. Click on the images below to see each infographic which has about 12 pages of illustrations.


Update   For the same visual overview without requiring downloaded files, see Taking a scenic drive through Access.


A visual tour of the main ideas behind Access.

Five common business solutions that exemplify how Access helps ensure your business can not only survive, but also thrive.

Import, link, move, and export data, leverage other Office 365 apps, and combine apps and data in useful and creative ways.


Understand key Access scenarios and uncover new insights into the deep Access feature set. Explore five common business solutions that exemplify how Access helps ensure your business can not only survive, but also thrive. Expand the scope of your Access solutions by integrating them with other Office 365 end points.

Updated Apr 21, 2020
Version 3.0
  • Excellent summary of the power of Access. Very useful if you need to convince your boss, IT department, potential clients etc.

    Many thanks

  • Transimpex's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    This is really a nice summary of the power that Access has to offer. Could perhaps calm some ignorant Access haters from the IT Departments :smile: