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Access Releases 8 Issue Fixes in Version 2309 (Released September 28th, 2023)

lindalu-MSFT's avatar
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Oct 17, 2023

Access Releases 8 Issue Fixes in Version 2309 (Released September 28th, 2023) 


Our newest round of Access bug fixes was released on September 28th, 2023. In this blog post, we highlight some of the fixed issues that our Access engineers released in the current monthly channel.  


If you see a bug that impacts you, and if you are on the current monthly channel build 2309, you should have these fixes. Make sure you are on Access Build # 16.0.16827.20130 or greater. 


Bug Name 

Issue Fixed  

When saving a table, we may duplicate the table in the relationship window 

If the relationship window was open, and a table that was displayed in the relationship window was modified and saved, the table would be duplicated in the relationship window.  This will no longer occur. 

Hang when hitting Tab key in design view 

If a layout spans multiple sections in a form/report, when tabbing from the last control in a section, Access could become unresponsive. Tabbing will now work correctly in this case. 

Listbox flickers when getting/losing focus 

Whenever a listbox gets/loses focus, it would repaint, which is unnecessary. In some cases, this could cause a visible flicker of the control as it repainted. This unnecessary repaint no longer occurs. 

When a failure to connect to Dataverse occurs because of a broken network connection, Access displays Reserved Error -20345  

In this scenario, the message will now read “No internet connection. Please check connection and try again.” 

Assigning Date/Time value to Date/Time Extended field through VBA generates error 

Prior to this update, the Date/Time Extended field could only be assigned a date/time value as a string. It will now support directly assigning a Date/Time value. 

When exporting a Date/Time field to SQL Server we create a datetime2(7) column 

Access will now create a datetime column in the SQL Server table when exporting a Date/Time field. 

Dataverse connections assume accounts are in the commercial cloud. 

The Dataverse import/export wizards now allow you to specify which cloud (e.g., Commercial, Government Community Cloud, etc.) should be used. 

Wrong error message when using TransferText 

TransferText only supports a limited number of extensions for the file specified as output. Previously if you used an invalid extension (such as .doc), the error would incorrectly state that the failure occurred because the database was read-only. It will now report that the filename is not valid. 


Please continue to let us know if this is helpful and share any feedback you have.  

Published Oct 17, 2023
Version 1.0
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