teams website browsing better user experiece
1 TopicBrowsing websites in tabs is not user friendly.
Hello, as the title suggests, I have been slowly deploying microsoft teams to our mid-sized organization of about 100 users. I want my users to be able to do most of their day to day tasks inside of teams. I have built a knowledge base using share point, but teams refuses to let me add a sharepoint tab to my created knowledge base and thus I must add it as a "site" instead. It works fine this way, however, users do not have a good experience navigating around the knowledge base. For some reason, it cuts off all the top portions of the sharepoint website that has tabs to go back home. Users clicking through documentation have no easy ability to go back to the previous page. Is there a way for me to set it up so that they have a better browsing experience inside of teams instead of having to open the knowledge base in a web browser? Thank you very much for any assistance you can give me.Solved1.5KViews0likes2Comments