new stream
18 TopicsSharePoint or Stream - Option that allows content to be downloaded by all company employees
Good afternoon to everyone. My name is Leonardo Fonseca and I currently work as an administrator in a company located in Brazil. We are trying to find permission to allow the download of all files from my company's employees. Where can we find this option or police? Thanks.Is bug fixed for: Some videos aren't being hidden and no redirection
Can someone from Microsoft confirm if this bug has now been fixed? It is still showing as Under investigation to be fixed on the official website below. We can't start migrating videos until this is fixed (and a few other things such as lack of reporting on channels, etc. but that's another story). Some videos aren't being hidden in Stream (Classic) after they are migrated & redirection from old link to new link isn't working | Fix estimate: September 30, 2023 Stream (Classic) migration tool release notes - Microsoft Stream | Microsoft LearnStream Icon in App Launcher Still Launches Stream (classic) After Enabling Read-Only in Classic
Stream (classic) was changed to read-only on September 15th, 2023. The Stream icon in the app launcher continues to take the user to Stream (classic). Is this functioning as designed? This was unexpected, as the icon in our Lab environment goes directly to Stream (on SharePoint).Generate transcript with speaker name in Microsoft streams
Hi , I tried to generate transcript for video on Microsoft Stream. All looks good except that it is not showing the speaker's name. When I downloaded the .vtt file, I saw there is time corresponding to each chat. Is there any way by which I can get the speaker name as well with each chat ? One more question I have is what does GUID corresponds to in .vtt file ? Any kind help will be much appreciated. Thanks, MehakStream(classic) migration containertype to New Stream
Currently Stream(classic) mostly we have 3 types of containers, which are: -CompanywideChannel -M365Group -User What should we do for "CompanywideChannels" without an owner(orphan)? I mean, I can't find the same environment or similar on SP with the same purpose as we had before, thoughts?? I know the documentation, and what MS recommend: Container Types Default Destination Folder Hierarchy Companywide-wide channel None (Admins can choose an existing SharePoint site or create a new one) Same as Microsoft 365 group. Each companywide channel will appear as a folder inside ‘Stream migrated videos’ folder. We recommend Admins divide companywide channels across multiple new or existing sites to avoid reaching the SharePoint permissions quota limit. What I'm going to do is create a new SP(subsite) and store all of the content there. Does anyone pass through this situation? Thx in advanceAdmin functions in Stream on Sharepoint
Hi Classic Stream content creation and Channel functions are controlled in the Classic Stream Admin portal. Is there any documentation please on what the new Stream on Sharepoint will have in terms of admin functions and what organisations need to consider when the new Stream is pushed out. For example, Will we have the ability to control content creation much like we do now? As far as I can make out Stream channels will be a thing of the past, but no docs seem to say this. Can anyone help please Thanks Re-posting after a few months of waiting for a response from MicrosoftHow can I change the owner ship of a stream video?
A User has upload videos to MS Stream. The User will leave the company in the next few days. How can I change the ownership of these videos? I also have a stream admin, but with this user it's not possible to change the ownership from these videos to another user. Is that fundamentally not possible?Honest question - what do I use Stream for now if it's all in SPO OD4B?
I am a Teams Admin and SharePoint Admin and OneDrive Admin. I am I guess a Stream Admin too, yet I don't know what to do with Stream. People record and it goes into OneDrive or moved to a Site in SharePoint. Do I only get transcription? Will that be in the video in OneDrive or SharePoint? I want to encourage the thousands of users I work with to use Stream, yet it seems that it is so stifled and poorly executed, like no bulk upload or metadata, etc. I wonder what the benefit of using it is? It is tough to get people to use Microsoft 365 and when to have Stream be limited, it is annoying. I just think people should put a bunch of video's in SharePoint / OneDrive (which I don't like as if a person leaves, it can be "lost" if people don't catch it in time).Share Link for Video (with Block download option ) in SharePoint
Hello all ! Please help clarify in case uploaded Video/Audio files to OneDrive /ShaerPoint (modern Info Site ), I haven't option for shared link with Block download - now this option not available - is it Bug or related security policy or SharePoint not all function ready for Video content? In same time in Group 365 Sites and OneDrive this option enable and only for Meeting Recoding from Teams. Thanks in advance Dima