Forum Discussion

eneto231's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 28, 2023

Stream(classic) migration containertype to New Stream

Currently Stream(classic) mostly we have 3 types of containers, which are: 





What should we do for "CompanywideChannels" without an owner(orphan)? I mean, I can't find the same environment or similar on SP with the same purpose as we had before, thoughts??

I know the documentation, and what MS recommend:


Container Types                            Default Destination                              Folder Hierarchy

Companywide-wide channelNone (Admins can choose an existing SharePoint site or create a new one)

Same as Microsoft 365 group. Each companywide channel will appear as a folder inside ‘Stream migrated videos’ folder.

We recommend Admins divide companywide channels across multiple new or existing sites to avoid reaching the SharePoint permissions quota limit.


What I'm going to do is create a new SP(subsite) and store all of the content there. Does anyone pass through this situation?


Thx in advance

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