16 TopicsHow do you update a SharePoint page with Microsoft Form submissions kept in an Excel file?
I am working on a SharePoint site used to track Change Requests. I am pretty new to using Microsoft services for this kind of use case, but after some struggles, I discovered that I can use a Microsoft Form to track new Change Requests on an Excel sheet that is located within the SharePoint directories. The issue that I am experiencing is that I cannot pull live data from the Excel file. My objective is to have a SharePoint page named "Schedule of Change" which lists the Change Requests from the excel file on the SharePoint site itself. For example, if a user fills out the Microsoft form and a new row with this submission data is added to the excel file, the SharePoint site should also see this and add it to the Schedule of Change page. In other words, I want the content on the Schedule of Change page to stay up to date with the content of the excel file. I am pretty open to how the info is presented. Ideally, I would like to have a table on the Schedule of Change page where each change request is a new row, but if this isn't possible, then I will take what I can get. What I've Tried I attempted to create a list from an excel file, however it only pulled the data once upon list creation, and it would not update when any new change requests were made. I also researched this issue on the Microsoft forum and found some pages that recommend creating an automation, but the instructions didn't match what I saw and I wasn't able to automate this successfully. Can anyone provide instructions on how to read excel rows and add them to a SharePoint page even as new data comes into the excel form?Importing dates from Excel into Sharepoint list
Hi, I've tried various forums for answers to this issue but none have succeeded. I have an extensive spreadsheet that I want to import a Sharepoint list. The issue is the date column. irrespective of how I format the date in Excel it does not conform to the date/time format in Sharepoint. The error message (note the error varies depending on how I format in excel) I am sure there should be a simple function fix but I suspect I don't have sufficient knowledge to understand potential solutions offered on other forums. any help/advice gratefully received.Get email addresses from Excel Attachment and Send emails
Pls need help creating a Power Automate flow: When I receive a certain email (Outlook 365) with an Excel attachment, get the email addresses from column D in the Excel attachment, then forward the original email I received to that list of email addresses.Crosspost: Issue With Excel Query
I posted this issue on the Excel and PowerApps forums, but I figured I might as well post it here as well. If this doesn't belong here please let me know and I will find the appropriate community. I have been developing a form-based app using PowerApps that collects data regarding appointment reschedules for the company I work for. I have it storing the data in a SharePoint List that I have connected to this Excel Spreadsheet where we then go and send the data out for the individual days. On my end everything works perfectly. I can use the PowerApp to input the data for the day and go to Excel and refresh to see the up-to-date changes just fine. However, this is not the case for my users. When downloading the Query file from Lists and opening it, everything works fine for the user the first time they open as long as they click the right buttons to enable the active content, but then when they try to refresh the data they get a random error. I am not able to reproduce this error on my end so I assume there's something going on with the permissions that are allowed for the users, but when clicking the "Technical Details" button on the error page there's a script error box. Anyone have any ideas on how to make this work? I ran some tests on various user accounts and they are all getting the same issues. I am assuming that there's some kind of permission issues, but since the SharePoint error site isn't giving me any information I have no way to know how to fix it. I figure the script error is from Internet Explorer, but I wanted to include it just in case.Power Automate running macros in excel
Whenever Power Automate is sued to open excel, that particular workbook it opens does not have any macros in it. If I open the exact same file manually it has the macros in the macro list. It is like Power Automate is not able to see the Personal.xlsb or when it opens excel it does not open personal.xlsb file (where the macros are saved so they are accessible in other excel workbooks).Excel crashing after power Automate trigger
Hello, My Excel keeps crashing after triggering the Power Automate Flows. Whenever I trigger the flow and then work on excel it crashes instantly. This keeps happening, for a while I thought there was something wrong with my PC so I cleaned the hard drive and installed a fresh copy of Windows. Even after that the same problem persists. Also excel crashes when I am using multiple files at once. Please help. P.S. : Using Ryzen 9 5900 HX Series processor with 16 GB Ram along with an NVME SSD so its not an issue of weak hardware.Sending an email to a list of people I get by email
I have encountered two barriers that make me think that my approach is wrong to a set of flows I created. I receive an email on a Monday every other week with an attached Excel file. The file is a list of the email addresses of people who are out of compliance with the system that sends me the email with the attached file. I have set up a flow that saves the file (which always has the same name) to the same OneDrive folder when it comes in. I then set up a flow that takes the list from the Excel file and sends each address a "your Late" email. Unfortunately, the file I receive does not have a Table set, so I find I have to do that--but the length of the list of emails in the sheet is variable from file to file. That's problem 1. Problem 2 is that the file is overwritten each time a new one comes in and the flow fails because. the UID has changed. Is there a better way to fully automate this process? Thanks, DaveNeed help retrieving MS Form response and insert it into a cell in .xlsx
Hi MS Power Automate Specialists, Experts and Gurus, May I trouble you to help me a little bit with this question? I created an MS Form to get a text response and then I would like to insert this text into E2 cell and send me an email with this excel file attached. Basically, I can just create new .xlsx in my Onedrive/Sharepoint and use create a table then update row actions in the flow, but I do not want to place the file temporarily to any place, I need it to be sent to my email directly. By doing so, I use Compose action to get the file content and then use the Send an email action to send that file. but the problem is the .xlsx created and attached in the email cannot be open due to a file error. I suppose there's something wrong with the file content in the Compose action { "$content-type": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "$content": [{ "cms_item_id": "120978", "data_version": "A", "translated": "TRUE", "language_id": "6", "data": "@{outputs('Get_response_details')?['body/r1c6600e386c648b3a04e9bce374cce47']}", "record_status": "1", "created_by": "", "created_when": "", "last_modified_by": "", "last_modified_when": "" }] } Could you please help verify and suggest how I should fix the code to make this flow work? Thank you in advance PjuvishSharepoint list creation from Excel breaks my dates
I am trying to create a list on Sharepoint to be used in Power Automate. My Excel list has the dates column formatted as date only and as yyyy/mm/dd: When I create a new Sharepoint list from Excel, the import screen shows the dates correctly: But when the list is created, it minuses one day from the day of each date: So when I go to column settings and change to date only, I am still missing a day on each date. Why is this happening? Even if I format my Excel dates as M/d/yyyy h:mm AM/PM which is how it appears in the sharepoint list, it still breaks and removes a day. A workaround is to create a calculated column with this formula: =DATE(YEAR(Date),MONTH(Date),DAY(Date)+1) but why should I have to do this?SolvedCreate a Custom Worksheet From a Form Response Using Flow
I am trying to create a workflow where when a customer is interested in our services and filled out an inquiry form, their information is placed in a new excel workbook or worksheet with dynamic content (like customer name) as the workbook/sheet title and then input the information to view in a portrait summary rather than the typical table format. This is so we can give the snapshot to the next person to review before reaching back out to connect with the inquiring customers. We then use this document to track other things from outside medical entities that are not things we will track in the table format. I'm having trouble creating this automation within flow. Could anyone be able to help me create this flow? Thank you!