excel if formula logical test problem
2 TopicsComparing two ranges of cells in an if function
I have two rows of address information that I have to compare. If cells A-R in row 2 are identical to cells A-R in row three then I want cell S inn row three two be returned if true and blank if false. I tried the below formula and it gives me a VALUE error. =IF(A2:R2=A3:R3,S3,"") It works if I dont compare ranges, for example if I only compare A2 & A3. How do I do this formula with the logical test as comparing ranges of cells in rows. First Name Last Name Grad Year Grade Level Description Dob Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City State Short Postal Code/ Zip District Resides With Address Line 11 Address Line 21 Address Line 3 City1 State Short1 Postal Code/ Zip1 Parent/Guardian First Parent/Guardian Last Jim Smith 2018 12 1/1/2001 123 Any Street x Any City State 10000 ABC TRUE 123 Any Street x x Any City State 10000 William Smith #VALUE! Jim Smith 2018 12 1/1/2001 123 Any Street x Any City State 10000 ABC TRUE 123 Any Street x x Any City State 10000 Mary Smith48KViews0likes7Comments