content type gallery
3 TopicsMandatory field added to Teams SharePoint site (lists and libraries) accidently and now can't remove
Please help. In trying to implement a fix for a different problem I have somehow inadvertently added a "mandatory field" which is an integer field and called "User ID" to all Content Types on the site. The site is hosted in a channel in a MS team and I have confirmed that the added field is not in the Parent site (main team channel site). I don't remember how I added it and all avenues I have tried to delete it/make it non-mandatory have failed. I have tried editing/removing it from the Item content type but no options to delete or even save changes for this field are available: The User ID field below is not selectable: I have tried the same in the "Classic" experience but still no options. Further digging shows ALL content on the site "missing" this mandatory User ID field metadata. e.g. site content pages I need to find a way to remove this mandatory field from either the "System" (as this is the parent content type for an Item) or the Item content type as this is the ultimate parent for all other content types. If I can't work it out then I will have to setup a new team channel and copy/replicate/update all the work to date (Power Automate/Power App integration/Power BI Report). Not what I want to do. Also, while I am a site "owner" I am not a site Admin. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Gavin947Views0likes1CommentUnable to create document from custom content type, using document template
If we create a content type in the Content Type Gallery and specify a document template URL, the content type cannot be used to create a new document in a library using the "New" menu (after pulling the content type in to the libary). The users have read access to the document template. When selecting the content type from the "New" menu, a tab is opened and then immediately closed. Upon inspection, the following error is found in the console: The document template is stored in a different site, to the site in which the content type is being used e.g. Template URL: /sites/Templates/Shared Documents/Short document template.dotx Library: /sites/Testteam/Shared Documents The content type is pulled from the Content Type Gallery, with the document template URL property already filled in. This also occurs if you upload the document template to the content type within the Content Type Gallery and then pull that content type down to the site. This leads to a synchronisation error which can be found in the Content type publishing error log: When using the "New" menu it seems that the GetListUsingPath API call, is unable to handle a server relative URL that refers to a document template in another SharePoint site. The alternative of uploading the document template to the content type via the gallery, doesn't seem to work because the file is not synchronised to sites when the content type is pulled down. Steps to reproduce Create a custom content type in the Content Type Gallery, inheriting from the Document content type. Open the content type in the Gallery and click Settings and then Advanced settings Enter a URL of document template stored in a SharePoint site in your tenant. Ensure that you have access to this site and document template. Navigate to a library in a separate site to where your template is stored. Click the "+Add column", scroll to the bottom and click "Add a content type", then click Next. Choose the content type you created in step 1 and apply. Use the New menu and attempt to create a document using the content type. Expected behavior After clicking the content type from the "New" menu, a new document will be created using the document template for that content type.3.5KViews0likes14CommentsPush content types from Content Type Gallery to a hub
Previously I have been using the old Content Type Syndication Hub to distribute custom content types to all my sites. However, I was frustrated by how long it took to publish changes and have been looking to move to SharePoint new modern Content Type Gallery feature ( and ). On Microsoft's site, they specifically say you can push content types from the Gallery to hub sites for distribution to associated sites, and they even show this feature in a video: However, on my view, I have no option to push content types to a hub. (This is a brand new 'test' content type so there shouldn't be a problem with it being from a legacy content type hub, and I do have a proper modern hub site and associated sites). Is there some hidden setting I need to turn on to enable this feature? EDIT: Or perhaps this feature isn't necessary, since types in the Content Type Gallery automatically push to all sites in my tenant? (But if so, why does Microsoft document the feature...?)Solved2.5KViews0likes2Comments