access 2016
9 TopicsVAT calculation
Hi, I want to calculate VAT (generally 20%) from a gross amount. I want to be able to format it to 2 dec places so that if the pence is .100 to .104 the pence stays as .10 but if the pence is .105 to .109 the pence increases to .11. I also want to be able to export the VAT as a currency so that it can be summed etc in Excel and not exported as text. I have come up with the following Access query function which seems to work. CCur(FormatCurrency(([Gross Amount]/(1+[VAT Percentage]/100)-[Gross Amount])*-1)) To explain my suggestion:- The VAT calc is a standard method calculating VAT from gross. I then format it as currency to truncate to 2 dec places but this changes it to a text value so I then carry out the ccur function which then converts it to currency for downloading to Excel. This appears to work but seems a long way round. Can anyone verify that the calculation is correct or there is any better way to do it. I am unable to use the round function as this uses the bankers rounding which calculates the wrong dec places at times.Solved5.1KViews0likes16CommentsProbleme mit Access 2016, Application Icon
Hallo Community, seit Anfang Juni habe ich ein Problem mit einem Access Frontend das in China unter Access 2016 Englisch und Windows 10 (Deutsch) läuft, Backend ist SQLServer 2014. Wenn ich in Optionen einen Link zu einem Application Icon verwende und diesen mit einem Häkchen unter "Use as Form and Report Icon" setze dann bricht die Datenbank beim Öffnen eines Formulars mit der Meldung "..... nicht genügend Memory space ....". Die Meldung ist Unfug, es gibt genügend Speicherplatz. Durch Zufall habe ich herausgefunden, dass es an diesem Häkchen liegt. Häkchen gesetzt und Abbruch, kein Häkchen gesetzt uns alles läuft problemlos. Es gab auch Anfang Juni ein Update für Windows 10 in China. Das Problem existiert erst seit kurzem, seit Anfang Juni, davor gab es nie ein Problem mit diesem Application Icon. Das Problem tritt auch nur auf Rechnern auf die unter Windows 10 laufen, bei Windows 7 gibt es das Problem nicht. Auf meinem Rechner, Windows 10 (Deutsch) und Access 2016 (Englisch) gibt es keine Probleme, gestern, 14.Juni habe ich eine neues Windows update installiert, keine Probleme mit der Datenbank. Hat jemand eine Idee? Gibt es Berichte zu Windows 10 update Problemen? Gruss und Dank für Antworten. Peter526Views0likes2CommentsRating system problem
To start out with, this form is used to rate things using a five-star method. I have a combo box that a user can select a category on which they wish to rate the transaction on. Once they select one and decide to add it, I have VBA that adds that selected category to the database and requeries a subform. The subform is linked to the overall record. The entry is listed in the subform and has 5 empty stars and the user can click on the star and it, as well as the previous stars, get replaced with a filled star. The images are merely placeholders and the actual rating, 1 to 5, is stored as an integer. Everything works to this point. My issue is, when the user tries to select a star, all the ratings for all the other categories are also mirrored. I am sure it is something very simple I am overlooking but I just can't put my finger on the issue. As the 5 placeholders are individually named but duplicated for each record, my code does not know specifically which entry it should stick to. Can anyone help me on this; point me to a tutorial online or help anything to help rattle my brain My continuous form looks like : This is subform in the actual form with the Rating category combobox. The Overall Rating works like it should. Any help and guidance is greatly appriciated517Views0likes0CommentsItem with Access 2016, query
Any idea about this? As you can see I choose a query (campi incrociati, in italian) and the wizard show only the first columm inside, instead of the tree of these. I reinstalled yesterday the Access version (2016) without fixing it. I work with windows 10 how can I fix it Thanks a lot Marcello1.1KViews0likes2CommentsEmail merge error - 3048
Hi, Some code was written in the past that worked fine until this last week or so then we get error 3048. As per a lot of suggestions on this forum we have made the location of both the client end database and the root database on the network trusted, but still get this error. As the code is a few years old I thought I would post to see if anyone knows of improvements we could make to it. It is to send statements to different contacts, here is the code: Private Sub Command62_Click() Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qry_mass_emails") Do Until rst.EOF Me.unit_sales_unit_no_sel.value = rst("unit_no") If DCount("id", "tbl_trans", "unit_no=" & Me.unit_sales_unit_no_sel.value & " AND flag=False AND contra=False") > 0 Then Call sndrpt_unit_sales2 Else Call sndrpt_unit_sales3 'DoCmd.SendObject , , , DLookup("email", "tbl_tenants", "id=" & DLookup("tenant", "tbl_units", "unit_no=" & Me.unit_sales_unit_no_sel)), , , "Sales Report", "Sorry, you have no sales transactions to report on." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Regards" & Chr(10) & "Astra Antiques", False End If rst.MoveNext Loop rst.Close DoCmd.Close DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_menu_reports", , , stLinkCriteria MsgBox "Mass E-Mails Sent" End Sub Thanks for your suggestions. Katherine876Views0likes1CommentHaving a date issue in a query
Got a odd issue. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have the user enter the date from what's printed from the text column PaySchedule in this example every 15th. They would enter whatever date the Payment Date was i.e. 1/6/2022. Then it would subtract the date they paid from the due date, the PayScheduleDate column. For whatever reason it's not giving the correct numbers. If I subtract 6 days from the Payment Date it should be 0 days but it's showing 31. I tried adding 1 to the query and that didn't work either. Not sure what the issue is. I formatted the DateStatus field to only show "dd" not sure if that has anything to do with the issue. I'm stuck. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions for this.1.3KViews0likes4CommentsAccess - Template Contacts - "Search Not Picking Up words"
Hello, first time using Access. I was looking online for what is a good(free) program for our office contacts. We have clients, trades, supplies, designer, contractors, etc. so I came across Access! It's been great! I've been able to start inputting our contacts info and have been able to add more fields. One of my co-workers came over and asked if we can search for lets say a projects name and then all the contacts related to that project will show. So I typed in the Search box and for some words or names nothing appeared. I tried other words and some worked and some didn't. I've tried googling, talked to on chat and phone call with Microsoft, one of them lead me to here and hoping someone knows what I'm talking about. I really like the options Access Contacts template is providing and I don't want to have to look at another program.1.4KViews0likes4CommentsPopulate Access ListBox with Distinct/Unique Values
I'm a CS student in my 4th year, my professor wont grade my assignment because i didn't populate a ListBox correctly (I got a 10/200 but i have an option to turn in 1 revision). The ListBox named "lstCateName" displays a property type (castle, villa, manor) from a table named "tblProperty" on a form called "frmType". My problem is with getting the ListBox to display only one of each Property type (Only 3 options instead of many same repeating options like in the image below) I need it to only display 3 options, "castle", "villa", and "manor". I have looked endlessly for the solution to no avail. There are some tutorials out there that focus on Excel and use VBA which i am not familiar with nor do i know how to implement into an Access Database. [edit] This is what i currently have in the property sheet for the ListBox under the Row Source SELECT DISTINCT tblProperty.PropertyID, tblProperty.PropertyType FROM tblProperty ORDER BY tblProperty.[PropertyType]; The PropertyID property is hidden form what i recall.4.2KViews0likes1Comment