18 TopicsMRTK 3 Pinch Recognition On HoloLens 2
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here. Please let me know if I messed up something in this post. I am optimizing a HoloLens 2 application developed with MRTK 3 in Unity, and I have been trying to improve the sensitivity of pinch recognition. In other words, what I wish to achieve is that the object manipulators in the application are only activated by pinching when the user’s thumb-forefinger distance becomes 0 (or at the least very close to 0). I set the pinch open threshold and the pinch closed threshold of the hands aggregator subsystem of MRTK 3 to 0.08 and 0.03, hoping that MRTK 3 will only recognize pinch in the more sensitive way mentioned above. However, the object manipulators are still activated by pinching even when the user’s thumb and forefinger are quite far away (about one half of the length of the user’s forefinger) from each other. Is this because of the hardware limitation of HoloLens 2? Is there any possibility that I can improve the pinch recognition on HoloLens 2? Big thanks in advance!40Views0likes0CommentsUWP app network connection blocked by hololens 2 windows firewall
Hello, my UWP app, which was installed on the HoloLens, has encountered an issue and is now unable to connect to the internet.I checked the hololens diagnostic log and it stated the following event: "Windows Defender Firewall was unable to notify the user that it blocked an application from accepting incoming connections on the network. Reason: The application is non interactive Application Path:.....". My development setup includes Unity 2018.4.11f1 and Visual Studio 2019. The capability setting in AppxManifest file is: <Capabilities> <Capability Name="internetClient" /> <Capability Name="internetClientServer" /> <Capability Name="privateNetworkClientServer"/> <uap:Capability Name="documentsLibrary" /> <uap2:Capability Name="spatialPerception" /> <DeviceCapability Name="webcam" /> <DeviceCapability Name="microphone" /> </Capabilities> The application tested all OK in unity editor but when loaded to hololens it failed to establish a network connection. Does anyone has any idea why the app has been blocked by hololens firewall? Thanks878Views1like5CommentsWatch Kubota Environmental Engineering Use Cases Leveraging HoloLens 2!
Kubota Environmental Engineering (Japan) and Meister Corporation teamed up to develop technology for optimized inspections of infrastructure with HoloLens 2. Read the full story and video: English: Story + Video Japanese: Story + Video315Views0likes0CommentsWeb navigation using WebView 2 in Hololens 2 + Unity (MRTK2)
Hi! I am trying out WebView2 Preview on HoloLens 2 using Unity 2022 and MRTK 2.8. Everything works great but I am not able to click on web's buttons, do scroll, etc. I have found this section of the documentation ->https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-edge/webview2/get-started/hololens2#inputwhich seems to point to web navigation, but I am not able to get it working. Any ideas? Thanks!861Views0likes1CommentHoloLens 2 + Mixed Reality Applications | Technical Datasheet
Click below to download HoloLens 2 Technical Datasheet Microsoft HoloLens 2 is an untethered, self-contained holographic device that allows users to leverage enterprise ready mixed reality (MR) solutionsand Azure Mixed Reality while working heads-up and hands-free. By merging the real world with the digital world, MR users across industries can benefit from enriched remote collaboration, increased precision of work, minimized human error, fewer resource gaps, better knowledge retention, and more. Pair HoloLens 2 with a comprehensive ecosystem of apps and services from Microsoft and third-party partners for maximum ROI and productivity impact.771Views2likes0Comments3d model quality different in unity and hololens
Hello I'm developing an application for Hololens 2 and I'm having a problem with the quality of the 3d model when I run it on Hololens 2. In Unity, the quality of the clothing animation is good (image on the left) but when I export it to hololens (image on the right) the quality decreases a lot. Could anyone help me with this problem?312Views0likes0CommentsOpen PDF Document in Hololens 2 from the file browser
I am trying to open a pdf document located in the persistent data path, in the file explorer, in the hololens 2 device but when trying to open it by c# code in Unity, nothing happens. I've tried with the code provided in the question locted inthis linkand it appear to happen an exception that sais this: "Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown". Does anyone know what is happening and how can I fix it? This is the code I've used to do it: using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using TMPro; using System.Threading.Tasks; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_WSA using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Windows.System; using Windows.Storage; using Windows.Storage.Streams; using Windows.Data.Pdf; #endif public class PdfDownloader : MonoBehaviour { public string pdfUrl = "https://grados.ugr.es/primaria/pages/infoacademica/archivos/ejemplostfg/!"; public string destinationPath = "my-file.pdf"; int pg = 0; // Definir e inicializar la variable pg [SerializeField] private GameObject PDFPlane = null; [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI text = null; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_WSA PdfDocument pdfDocument; #endif public void download() { StartCoroutine(DownloadPdf()); } IEnumerator DownloadPdf() { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(pdfUrl); yield return www.SendWebRequest(); if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error al descargar el archivo PDF: " + www.error); } else { string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, destinationPath); SaveFile(filePath, www.downloadHandler.data); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Archivo PDF descargado correctamente en: " + filePath); text.text += "Archivo PDF descargado correctamente en: " + filePath+ "\n"; // Abrir el archivo PDF LoadAsync(); text.text += "Abierto" + "\n"; } } void SaveFile(string path, byte[] data) { try { // Crear el directorio si no existe string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); text.text += "Creado" + "\n"; } // Escribir los datos del archivo en el archivo especificado File.WriteAllBytes(path, data); text.text += "Escrito" + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error al guardar el archivo: " + e.Message); text.text += "Error al guardar el archivo: " + e.Message+ "\n"; } } public async void LoadAsync() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_WSA text.text += "Empiezo "+ "\n"; try { StorageFolder storageFolder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(path); /*StorageFolder storageFolder = KnownFolders.CameraRoll;*/ text.text += "Empiezo 2 "+ "\n"; StorageFile sampleFile = await storageFolder.GetFileAsync("my-file.pdf"); text.text += "Empiezo 3 "+ "\n"; //pdfDocument is an instanced object of type PdfDocument pdfDocument = await PdfDocument.LoadFromFileAsync(sampleFile); text.text += "Folder path 2: " + storageFolder + "\n"; } catch (Exception e) { text.text += "1: " + e.Message; } text.text += "listo"; #endif } public async void ChangePageAsync() { text.text += "Voy" + "\n"; #if !UNITY_EDITOR && UNITY_WSA text.text += "Empiezo "+ "\n"; //pg is the page to load using (PdfPage firstPage = pdfDocument.GetPage((uint)pg)) { InMemoryRandomAccessStream stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); await firstPage.RenderToStreamAsync(stream); MemoryStream tempStream = new MemoryStream(); await stream.AsStream().CopyToAsync(tempStream); byte[] imgBytes = new byte[16 * 1024]; imgBytes = tempStream.ToArray(); Texture2D imgTex = new Texture2D(2048, 2048, TextureFormat.BC7, false); imgTex.LoadImage(imgBytes); imgTex.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; imgTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; MeshRenderer meshRenderer = PDFPlane.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); Material mat = meshRenderer.material; mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", imgTex); mat.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1, 1); text.text += "pg: " + pg + "\n"; } #endif } } In the code, I first download it and then try open it. The text.text are debugging lines I've added. The pdf URL is an example pdf obtained from google. I want to show using an Unity app a pdf that has been downloaded before a pdf, avoiding the limitations tah hololens 2 has when opening a local file.553Views1like0CommentsHololens 2 app reading data from PLC
Hello, I am working on an application for my final project. The application is very simple, I work with a PLC S7 1200 to obtain data from the DB variables of the program and represent this data in Hololens 2. The PLC will be connected via ethertnet to a Wifi router. For the communication with the plc from unity, I use a library called S7netplus. In the simulation inside unity it works correctly as the PC is connected to the router and I get the data from the PLC. The problem comes when importing the application to the hololens 2. When trying to communicate with the ip of the PLC it never works. We have realised that it is not possible to ping the glasses from the computer. If someone could help me I would be very grateful.367Views0likes0CommentsUrgent: My App 3d content are not showing in the HoloLens
Hello Everyone, I have been facing an issue for trying the app I made using Unity in the HoloLens, when I test the app through Microsoft Visual, I can see for example the cube but when I publish the app and upload it to the portal, when I run the app using the HoloLens, no any 3d objects are showing. Can any one please help me in this urgent issue. Thanks in advance. Sam596Views0likes1Comment