12 TopicsSkype for Business PPT embedded video not playing sound
SFB 2016 (16.0.4978.1000) I have a PowerPoint presentation which contains a video (MP4) which has sound. I have embedded the video as recommended by Microsoft I create a skype meeting, invite colleagues. The meeting starts colleagues join in and I upload the ppt. They see the video in the slide, when they click on it the video starts but theres no audio. If the click on the speaker icon it has a cross next to it which cant be removed.1.2KViews0likes1CommentSkype for Business Voicemail Icon missing
Hello, since some days my Voicemail Icon is missing. This step doesn't work: Exit Skype for Business and Outlook client. Navigate to Users > username > AppData > Local > Microsoft > Office > 16.0 > Lync Delete sip_profileName folder. Delete all files in Tracing folder. Do not delete the folder itself. Login to Skype for Business again. Any Idea? Thanks + Regards1.9KViews0likes0CommentsTeams\Skype Room Deployment Kit
Hello All, I am attempting to deploy the Teams Room Deployment kit via the CreateSRSMedia.ps1 script and I am running into some troubles finding the correct version of Windows OS build to use with the latest SRS Deployment Toolkit. When running the script, with the following Windows installation media, I get the following error: Your Windows installation media is version 10.0.19041.867. Your SRSv2 kit requires version 10.0.18362.418. Please enter the path to the root of your Windows install media: I am currently using Win_Pro_10_20H2.5_64BIT_English_Ent ISO which was downloaded from the Volume Licensing Center. What is confusing me is, what is version 10.0.19041.867 and what is SRSv2 version 10.0.18362.418? Also, how do we determine which SRS kit we use for which build? Also, I downloaded the latest version of the CreateSRSMedia script as well. I am hoping ANYONE can re-direct me to the correct OS build for the latest SRS Deployment Toolkit, not respecting last monitor
Hi, Since the last updates, Skype no longer remembers which monitor it was opened on. If I have it maximised on a monitor, then minimise the application, when I open it again it jumps back to the Primary monitor rather than my Secondary monitor where it was originally minimised. This wasn't an issue until recently.668Views0likes1CommentProcessing Status in Recording Manager
I recorded an important training through Skype. 11 days have passed, and it is still in ‘Processing’ Status in Recording Manager. It is only 413 MB as shown in the Lync Manager folder. I know it would take time to complete, but 11 days is too much. Please advise.801Views0likes0CommentsSkype For Business Black Rectangles
Greetings, I'm having an issue when presenting a program and overlaying another one on top of it. The top application appear as a black rectangle. In seems that this is a privacy feature with Skype in Windows 8 and onward. Is there a way to disable this feature asI want present all applicaitons? BTW, before presenting a program a pop-up shows stating "windows overlapping an app you're presenting might appear as black rectangles". Thanks.736Views0likes0CommentsPartage d'Ecran Blanc sur Skype Entreprise
Bonjour, je suis en université et suite au confinement, j'ai des cours via Skype entreprise. mais depuis le début, lorsque le professeur fait un partage d’écran, j’obtiens un écran blanc contrairement au autre élevés, et cela pose un souci. Ce pendant, l'orque un professeur fait un partage de diaporamas, il n'y a pas de problème, que lorsque il partage sont bureau que le problème se pose et que soit l’écran se fige, soit il deviens blanc J'ai besoins de votre aide pour comprendre d'ou viens le problème pour y répondre et le résoudre Merci,1.9KViews0likes1CommentCannot Add, Remove Or Move Contacts Or Groups In Lync/Skype for Business for Office 365 MSO (16.0xx)
Need help with this issue. We cannot add a any group inside organization it throws an error (see attached) We have aleady re-created SIP folder and deleted contents of tracing folder. Also, user has 60+ groups added has it possibly reached Skype's maximum number of groups that can be added? Thanks for your help!1.4KViews0likes0CommentsSkype For Business to Skype - Add Video to call
Hi I am looking for a way to video call users from Skype for business to the Skype platform or if possible Whatsapp. The scenario is that an external user can call a number from standard Skype on their mobile phone to myself on Skype for business (Desktop) and if needed I can click on the add video option. Is this possible? Do I literally just create a policy enabling communications with public users or are there interfaces I would need to purchase?665Views0likes0CommentsHow to monitor skype for business desktop sharing session with remote user
We have users share the desktop with remote users and we want to popup appear in lync/skype after x amount of time to remind that still sharing is goingon. I read that using lync SDK we can develop it but want to hear if any other better idea.1.3KViews0likes2Comments