3 TopicsHow do we share a OneDrive file with an external user using Powershell?
I'm trying to share OneDrive files with external users via Powershell, using the Set-PnPListItemPermission from the PnP.Powershell module. I can successfully share files with other users in the organization, but cannot share with an external user. $TargetListName = 'Documents' $FileID = '<OneDriveFileID>' $ExternalEmailAddress = 'Email address removed' Set-PnPListItemPermission -List $TargetListName -Identity $FileID -User $ExternalEmailAddress -AddRole 'Read' Thanks in advance.2.7KViews0likes3CommentsSet-PnPUserProfileProperty with Application Permission in Azure Function
When using Set-PnPUserProfileProperty in Azure Function with Power Shell and the permissions has been defined using the Application Permission. Once connected to the admin site URL using client id, tenant and cert and try to update the User Profile Property, it throws the below error Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource. Attached the screenshot for the reference Below are the permissions given for the application in Azure API Permissions Hope someone already have a solution!3.6KViews1like3CommentsConnect-PnPOnline in Azure function : parameter 'Url' because it is null
Dear community, Connect-Pnponline command is not accpting in Azure function, Always gettings below error "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Url' because it is null." * the same script is working in local system. I followed MS guide to resolve the issue but no luck. appriciate your help and ides to solve the issue.,2.6KViews0likes4Comments