Microsoft Bookings Multiple Attendees
3 TopicsAdd Guests / Additional Emails While Booking a Meeting with Microsoft Bookings
Is it possible to allow the person booking a MS Bookings meeting to add additional emails as "guests"? For example, someone could add their colleagues who would also like to join the product demo that they're booking. Calendly has this by default and you can add up to 10 additional emails. These people will be invited to the event as well, however, they are no automatically RSVP'd. Can this be achieved with MS Bookings?550Views2likes2CommentsHow to see Microsoft Bookings Multiple Attendees
We are using this for parents to sign up for registration. How to do we print up the list of names coming in for that time slot? We added specific questions. Is there a way to print this along with the list of parents coming in for the 10 a.m. slot. Ex: 5 parents can sign up. We want to know the name of the child and date of birth. How do we get all of this to print, so we know who is expected when. THANK YOU!!!3.3KViews1like3Comments