Microsoft 365 Apps
1 TopicMicrosoft Powershell Signature Script - Stopped working with latest office 365
This is my first post on here, so I hope I get all the information across to you! Firstly, I know that there are paid solutions that can do this, but this solution has been working for the company that I work for a little while now. Therefore, I would like to get it working on all versions of office that we use on site - 2013 through to Office 365. Plus, it makes it a bit more interesting if something is maintained and created on site be it all slightly more difficult. I am a member of IT department and am completely stumped! The problem we see is that signatures have stopped pushing out to users with the latest office 365 build. On top of that, Microsoft won't let me update to this later version so therefore I am unable to diagnose the issue without great impact to certain affected users. I assume this as the signature screen looks completely different to mine but also have yet to confirm - will make this a priority this morning. The files and modified template files are reaching the Signature location within Windows Signature location, but the newest version of Office 365 does not pick this up. If I manually create a Signature within office the Files are all there, be it with a couple of extra files (rich text and text formats) as well as the ones created from the script but only the ones manually created appear in outlook. I am confident therefore it's not entirely the script but rather a change within outlook that has stopped the signatures from being pickup up Any ideas? Many thanks, Matthew # Gets the path to the user appdata folder $AppData = (Get-Item env:appdata).value # This is the default signature folder for Outlook $localSignatureFolder = $AppData+'\Microsoft\Signatures' # This is a shared folder on your network where the signature template should be $templateFilePath = **THE FILE PATH TO THE TEMPLATE SIGNAUTRE** # Get the current logged in username $un = $env:username # The following 5 lines will query AD and get an ADUser object with all information $filter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$un))" $searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $searcher.Filter = $filter $ADUserPath = $searcher.FindOne() $ADUser = $ADUserPath.GetDirectoryEntry() # Now extract all the necessary information for the signature $name = $ADUser.DisplayName $email = $ADUser.mail $job = $ADUser.title $landline = $ADUser.telephonenumber $mobile = $ $office = $ADUser.physicalDeliveryOfficeName $so = $ADUser.description $adchangedate = $ADUser.whenChanged # Placeholder on html file association $namePlaceHolder = "\[DISPLAY_NAME\]" $emailPlaceHolder = "\[EMAIL\]" $jobPlaceHolder = "\[JOB_TITLE\]" $folderPlaceHolder = "\[FOLDER_PATH\]" $phonePlaceHolder = "\[TELEPHONE\]" $SOPlaceHolder = "\[SIGN_OFF\]" # Save it as <username>.htm $namefolder = $un + " (" + $email + ")_files"; $namefolder2 = $un + "_Reply (" + $email + ")_files"; $filename = $localSignatureFolder + "\" + $un + " (" + $email + ").htm"; $filename2 = $localSignatureFolder + "\" + $un + "_reply" + " (" + $email + ").htm"; $foldername = $localSignatureFolder + "\" + $namefolder; $foldername2 = $localSignatureFolder + "\" + $namefolder2; $templatefolderpath = $templateFilePath + "\Harboro_template_files\*"; $templatefolderpath2 = $templateFilePath + "\Harboro_Reply_template_files\*"; #NO EMAIL ON AD, NO SIGNATURE if ($email -ne "") { #change contents of template html file to work with the script below, only if template has been changed from the original #Asign varibale to pint at particlular file $rawtemp = get-content $templateFilePath"\Harboro_template.htm" $rawtemp2 = get-content $templateFilePath"\Harboro_Reply_template.htm" $check1 = ($rawtemp | Select-String -Pattern "Harboro_template_files").count $check2 = ($rawtemp2 | Select-String -Pattern "Harboro_Reply_template_files").count if ($check1 -ne 0 -or $check2 -ne 0) { #MAIN TEMPLATE CONTENTS $newContent = $rawtemp -replace "Harboro_template_files","[FOLDER_PATH]" $newContent | Set-Content -Path $templateFilePath"\Harboro_template.htm" -force #REPLY TEMPLATE CONTENTS $newContent2 = $rawtemp2 -replace "Harboro_Reply_template_files","[FOLDER_PATH]" $newContent2 | Set-Content -Path $templateFilePath"\Harboro_Reply_template.htm" -force #RESET THE RAWTEMP VARAIBLE WITH NEW FILE CONTENTS $rawtemp = get-content $templateFilePath"\Harboro_template.htm" $rawtemp2 = get-content $templateFilePath"\Harboro_Reply_template.htm" } #find place holders and convert them to users data from AD variables if ($so -eq "") { $sig = $rawtemp -replace $SOPlaceHolder,"" $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $SOPlaceHolder,"" $rawtemp2 = $sig2 } else { $sig = $rawtemp -replace $SOPlaceHolder,$so $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $SOPlaceHolder,$so $rawtemp2 = $sig2 } $sig = $rawtemp -replace $namePlaceHolder,$name $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $namePlaceHolder,$name $rawtemp2 = $sig2 $sig = $rawtemp -replace $emailPlaceHolder,$email $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $emailPlaceHolder,$email $rawtemp2 = $sig2 if ($mobile -ne "") { $phone = $landline + " Mobile: " + $Mobile } else { $phone = $landline } $sig = $rawtemp -replace $phonePlaceHolder,$phone $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $phonePlaceHolder,$phone $rawtemp2 = $sig2 $sig = $rawtemp -replace $jobPlaceHolder,$job $rawtemp = $sig $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $jobPlaceHolder,$job $rawtemp2 = $sig2 $sig = $rawtemp -replace $folderPlaceHolder,$namefolder $sig2 = $rawtemp2 -replace $folderPlaceHolder,$namefolder2 # Determines daylight saving $adchangedate = write-output $adchangedate $adchangedate = [DateTime]$adchangedate if ($adchangedate.IsDaylightSavingTime() -eq $true) { $adchangedate = $adchangedate.AddHours(1) } #IMAGES FOLDER #If Signature supporting folder exists checks if (Test-Path -Path $foldername) { $SourceDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $templatefolderpath | foreach {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName} $DestDocs = Get-ChildItem –Path $foldername | foreach {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName} $count = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceDocs -DifferenceObject $DestDocs -Property hash -PassThru).count $SourceDocs2 = Get-ChildItem –Path $templatefolderpath2 | foreach {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName} $DestDocs2 = Get-ChildItem –Path $foldername2 | foreach {Get-FileHash –Path $_.FullName} $count2 = (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $SourceDocs2 -DifferenceObject $DestDocs2 -Property hash -PassThru).count # If changes in folder, then update else do nothing if ($count –ne 0){ Remove-Item -Path $foldername -recurse -force New-Item -Path $foldername -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -Path $templatefolderpath -Destination $foldername -PassThru -force; } if ($count2 –ne 0){ Remove-Item -Path $foldername2 -recurse -force New-Item -Path $foldername2 -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -Path $templatefolderpath2 -Destination $foldername2 -PassThru -force; } } else { # if folder does not exist then create directory New-Item -Path $foldername -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -Path $templatefolderpath -Destination $foldername -PassThru -force; New-Item -Path $foldername2 -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -Path $templatefolderpath2 -Destination $foldername2 -PassThru -force; } #MAIN SIGNATURE # Gets the last update time of the template. if(test-path $templateFilePath){ $templateLastModifiedDate = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $templateFilePath -Name LastWriteTime).lastwritetime } # Checks if there is a signature and its last update time if(test-path $filename){ $sigLastModifiedDate = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $filename -Name LastWriteTime).lastwritetime if((get-date $templateLastModifiedDate) -gt (get-date $sigLastModifiedDate)){ $sig > $filename } # If an AD change has been made and the created signature is older, then update signature. elseif(($adchangedate) -gt (get-date $sigLastModifiedDate)){ $sig > $filename } }else{ $sig > $filename } #REPLY SIGNATURE #CHECK IF THERE IS A SIGNATURE AND ITS LAST UPDATE TIME if(test-path $filename2){ $sigLastModifiedDate = [datetime](Get-ItemProperty -Path $filename2 -Name LastWriteTime).lastwritetime if((get-date $templateLastModifiedDate) -gt (get-date $sigLastModifiedDate)){ $sig2 > $filename2 } # If an AD change has been made and the created signature is older, then update signature. elseif(($adchangedate) -gt (get-date $sigLastModifiedDate)){ $sig2 > $filename2 } }else{ $sig2 > $filename2 } #SET DEFAULT SIGNATURE $MSWord = New-Object -ComObject word.application $EmailOptions = $MSWord.EmailOptions $EmailSignature = $EmailOptions.EmailSignature $EmailSignature.NewMessageSignature = $un + " (" + $email + ")" #insert the main signature name $EmailSignature.ReplyMessageSignature = $un + "_reply" + " (" + $email + ")" #insert the reply signature name $MSWord.Quit() }1KViews0likes0Comments