Highlighted content web part
7 TopicsEvents not displaying in Highlighted Content Web Part
I have an Events List in an SPO site named fittingly, "Events". It is the only Events List in the site. When I added a HCWP and chose Source = This site and Type = Events, nothing displays in the web part. Is there something else that I should be doing? Shouldn't the events display or am I reading too much into them displaying like that. Thanks, SteveSolved2.1KViews0likes5CommentsHighlighted Content Web Part - Show document set when activity within
I want a Highlighted Content Web Part to show the document set (no problem with this bit) to show when something INSIDE the document set has changed. e.g. new file added, edited etc Anyone know if this is possible?677Views1like0CommentsModern Audience Targeting in Highlighted Content web part not working
Hi, I have a set of links in a Doc Library where I've turned on Audience Targeting and set the audience to myself to test. I've turned on Audience Targeting in my Highlighted Content web part, which is set to pull all items from this specific library. However, only the item where I did NOT set an 'Audience' in the library is appearing in my web part, while the item that I DID set an 'Audience' is not showing. Any advice? Thanks!1.7KViews0likes3CommentsHighlighted content web part item limit issue
Hi, I've come across an issue using the highlighted content web part. We currently have a single landing site for our customers with all the general standard links and images, we also have a single highlighted content web part to display the customer specific site. The idea being that they can only see their site on the carousel due to permissions and none of the other sites in the highlighted content webpart. This appears to be working as expected, however the issue that I've run into now is that once we exceed 17 selected sites I'm receiving "There are too many sites selected or too many filters added. Select fewer sites or remove some filters to continue." I thought the item limit for highlighted content was 200? Am I incorrect in thinking this? Does anyone know a workaround to list more selected sites in the carousel or an alternative way of display the link to a page dependent on group permissions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Lee2.4KViews0likes3CommentsCustom KQL query to filter by most viewed in specified time range
I'm trying to use custom query on the highlighted contents web part in SharePoint Online. Objective is to filter to the most viewed items within the past 3 months. If I'm not mistaken, we can only sort the highlighted contents by "most viewed from beginnning of time". Is there a KQL query that will return results for a time-bound "most viewed" list of items? Appreciate any advice.1.2KViews0likes0CommentsHighlighted Content Web Part (HCWP) filter logic
As I understand it, if you use multiple filter conditions in a HCWP, the conditions are evaluated as OR's when filtering on the same parameter (e.g., Title = ABC OR Title = XYZ), and the filter conditions are evaluated as AND's when filtering on different parameters (e.g., Title = ABC AND Created by = Current User). It appears, based on my limited testing, that this filtering logic also applies when filtering on multiple managed properties. In this instance I want to filter on RefinableDate00 and RefinableString00. Since these are different managed properties, I was hoping they would be evaluated using AND logic (Date is after [Today] AND String = ABC); however, it appears that the conditions are instead being evaluated as OR's (Date is after [Today] OR String = ABC). I think Microsoft should upgrade the HCWP to allow users to specify how multiple filters should be evaluated.1KViews0likes1CommentHighlighted content web part filter
Hi, We have a document library on two different SharePoint sites (both libraries have the same name) and we want to display documents from only those two libraries in a highlighted content web part. I know we can show documents and folders from one doclib and I also know we can display documents from all doclibs in our site collection but we want to filter and only show two specific doclibs. How can we accomplish this?1.3KViews0likes1Comment