11 Topicshttps://collabtools.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/sites/ITSS-SharePointWorkshop/SitePages/Home.aspx?csf=1&web
The action for Microsoft Forms is limited to the Q and A results. It needs to mimic and include the data columns created when "Export to Excel" link is used in the survey or quiz. Especially in the quiz, the additional fields pertaining to submitter info and Total Points is a must. I am completely crippled by the action only containing the test question data elements. Does anyone else agree?Power automation flows
I have sharepoit oniline site with power automation flows integrated. This site is constructed by other person. These flows are available for read-only site visitors. But in power automation web interface these users are not asigned to site flows. It means in web interface these users are not configured as co-owner or run-only-users. Also - lists and libraries of this site are not configured as co-owners of flows. Please explain me: How can flows be available for user who is not shown in web interface settings of these flows?Possibility of extracting text from PowerPoint
Dear PowerApps-Community, since it is not possible to use AIBuilder with PowerPoint, I was looking into searching for and extracting text elements from PowerPoint files. Am I correct in my assessment that this is not possible? At least not without tremendous overhead of converting it first into a PDF. Want to process potentially thousands of PPTs. Many thanks in advance!![Teams/SharePoint] Datei verlinken für neue erstellte Datei
Servus, ich bin irgendwie am verzweifeln und finde den Fehler nicht. Bin dabei das eine E-Mail automatisch abgespeichert werden soll und gleichzeitig soll mit dem Betreff ein SharePoint Element angelegt werden. Funktioniert soweit auch gut - nur bekomme ich nicht den Link der neu erstellten Datei in das Element. Ich hätte gerne in dem "VM-LINK" den Link zur gespeicherten Mail (Create File) Kann mir da jemand helfen? DankeFlow to delete a document added to a list and also from the document library it exists in
Hello, I've created an approval workflow where users can request a document be deleted by adding it to a certain list. The flow works, but only deletes the document from the list. I need it to be deleted from the library is resides in also. There are multiple libraries involved, so the flow needs to find which one it is in. Not sure what I need to add to my flow to accomplish this. Thank you for any support!Log name of user who triggers a Power Automate
Does anyone know of a way to log the name of the user who triggers a Power Automate? I have a Power Automate that updates file properties of a document in a SharePoint document library but when a user runs the Power Automate, it doesn't change the name in the 'Modified' column to that user. I'm happy to add a new column called 'Power Automate last ran by' or something like that, but how can I then populate this with the name of the user who triggers the Power Automate?SolvedFlow Condition Confusion
I've created a flow for a SharePoint list to fire an email when a condition is true; however, when the condition is true the flow won't work unless the true condition is on the "No" side of the condition tree. It also then triggers the email to be sent if I change the field to anything other (Closed) than what should trigger the email. What am I missing here?Run SQL Stored Procedure in PowerApps with Flow
Here is what I am trying to do. Right now, I have an Excel spreadsheet that runs a stored procedure and returns the results based on a start date and end date within the spreadsheet. I would like to be able to create a Flow to run this stored procedure and return the results in a table or gallery in my PowerApps screen. Is this possible?Getting issue with flow sending birthday email from sharepoint list
I created a list with column Employee name, BirthdayDate and email address. Trying to create flow to send birthday email but getting error condition formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')?['BirthdayDate'], 'MM/dd/yyyy') ---- is equal to ---- formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'MM/dd/yyyy') Advanced mode: @equals(formatDateTime(items('Apply_to_each')?['BirthdayDate'], 'MM/dd/yyyy'), formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'MM/dd/yyyy'))