Copy files
1 TopicProblem copying file in SharePoint with Ms Graph v5.x
Hello. I need to copy a file in SharePoint, with Ms Graph v5.61 to a new folder (in the same library). The problem is that it copies but the process does not wait for it to complete and returns null, then I check and the file exists. I pass the code that I am using. public async Task<string?> CopyAsync(string listDriveId, string sourceDriveId, string destinationDriveId, string newName) { try { GraphSDK.Drives.Item.Items.Item.Copy.CopyPostRequestBody destinationInfo = new GraphSDK.Drives.Item.Items.Item.Copy.CopyPostRequestBody() { ParentReference = new ItemReference() { DriveId = listDriveId, Id = destinationDriveId }, Name = newName }; DriveItem? copy = await _graphClient.Drives[listDriveId].Items[sourceDriveId].Copy.PostAsync(destinationInfo); // Problem: "copy" is always null, but it is copied. When I check if the copied file exists, this file exists. if (copy != null) { return copy.Id; } } catch { } return null; } Can you help me? Thank you very much.28Views0likes0Comments