5 TopicsSchedule Windows Store downloads for Games and Apps
We need to be able to schedule downloads of Games and apps on Windows store. to set a time period for the downloads so that the downloads will start at X and pause at Y, every day. Upvote at Feedback Hub app: the solid color square block from App icons in Windows settings => Apps
Remove the solid color square block from App icons in Windows settings => Apps to make the design consistent You've removed the solid color square from Appl icons in the start menu, now they have a nice trimmed look that are modern. but in Windows settings, app icons still have their solid color square, it makes things inconsistent and ugly. Windows settings => Apps => Apps & Feature/Default Apps/Startup Feedback hub app: 10 Preview Build 17692 application compatibility.
Some applications do not work correctly in Build 17692. Some applications cause huge UI lag or fail to open, sometimes user has to end the problematic application in task manager. Previous builds have no problems with this bug. More information here, also applies to all Windows 10 versions Build 17692: