1 TopicSome Excel help - Data validation using name ranges - force option if "False"
Hi I was looking for some help please. I have used a range =IF($N$28="True",$Q$3:$Q$4,IF($N$28="False",$Q$4)) this works fine, in that the O3 & O4 cells are just Yes/No selections.. this is being driven from =IF($C$22>=590,"True","False") in my data validation I just use =<rangename> however is there a way so that it forces the data validation to switch to "No" when No is the only option available.. By this I mean if they have populated a calculation sheet and being able to select the Yes option, if they then change the number and it falls below 590.. The field will still populate as "Yes" even though this isnt a valid option any longer... When you click the drop down it will only have "No" as the option, but is there a way to force it to switch to No if its below that 590 range?? hope this makes sense...Solved2.8KViews0likes5Comments