S2D Needs Rebalance status

Copper Contributor

We are using a 4 node sofs cluster with S2D and see on some vdisk the Operational Status = Needs Rebalance.


On the forum https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/9b4e95af-2d53-447f-901a-539008584c06...


This is a known problem, do other people have this problem and solved it, or have ms have to release a fix for this?

2 Replies

Looks like the known issue with slabs distribution. AFAIK it does not affect the S2D reliability/stability. If you really want to get rid of this, the full S2D rebuild will help for sure. However, I recommend you to wait for the fix when WS2016 R2 would be released (this fall).

The fix is now available, go apply this update:
