Map "\Device\HarddiskVolumeX" to "Shared Drive name" when using performance counters

Copper Contributor


Im trying to monitor performance counters of a shared vhdx disk on a Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V host. The performance counters Im interested are \Hyper-V Shared VHDX\*. When I select one of those counters, the instance name of the counter is showed like this: "\Device\HarddiskVolume5".


performance counter.png


The problem is that I dont know to which Shared VHDX this instance belongs to. Is there a way to map this instance name to the name that is show in the Shared Drive in the settings of a virtual machine disk? Like this



shared drive.png


This is for the purpose to automate collection of perfomance counters of shared vhdx.


Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

I know that \Device\HarddiskVolumeX maps to the shared VHDx because of this entry on Resource Monitor:


performance counter 2.png


KC390_ODFC_DADOS... is a Shared Drive from one of our VM.


If there is a way to get the information show on the File column, this could help doing the mapping.