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changing file attribute/metadata
Hello all, when I run a script that gives all of the file properties, I can see one named 'protected' and the value is 'yes'? Now I want this changed to 'No'. I am new to powershell and have been searching everywhere, but did not find any solution for my issue. The script I run to get the file information looks like this: $objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $objFolder = $objShell.Namespace((Get-Item .).FullName) $filenameWithExtension = "24 Africa (Single Version).m4a" $objFile = $objFolder.ParseName($filenameWithExtension) $fileMeta = [ordered]@{} for($id = 0; $id -le 266; $id++){ $fileMeta[ $($objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFolder, $id)) ] = $( if($objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFile, $id)){ $($objFolder.GetDetailsOf($objFile, $id)) }else{ "" } ) } print ordered hashtable $fileMeta you get a list of properties and one of them is the Protected. Can anyone help on this? thxdyckwalMar 07, 2025Copper Contributor56Views0likes6CommentsWhen creating a new team from a template with powershell add new private channel and members
Hi All, I have a powershell script I am using to create and populate new teams from a template and add owners and users via .csv, Everything seem to work fine except the private team in the template is not copied to the new teams. Is there a way to copy the private team with its members from the template? if not how can I add a new private team and add users from a .csv file to my existing script. Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Teams Connect-MgGraph -Scope Group.ReadWrite.All Connect-MicrosoftTeams $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ######################### #Variable definition: $DefaultModelTeam = "Team template ID" $MembersFilePath = "C:\Users\t130218\Desktop\owlimport_365.csv" $OwnersFilePath = "C:\Users\t130218\Desktop\TeamOwners.csv" ######################### Function CreaTeam{ param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$displayName, [Parameter(Position=1)] [string]$description ) begin{ $params = @{ partsToClone = "apps,tabs,settings,channels" displayName = $displayName description = $description mailNickname = $displayName #visibility = "public" } #Disable "Crea" button in order to avoid duplicate Teams creation $btnCrea.enabled=$false #Message output and waiting time countdown for allow new Tean creation finalization $lblMessaggio.text="Creazione Team in corso..." $teamId= $txtTemplate.text Copy-MgTeam -TeamId $teamId -BodyParameter $params $lblTeamId.text = "Attendere 20 secondi" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $lblTeamId.text = "Attendere 15 secondi" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $lblTeamId.text = "Attendere 10 secondi" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $lblTeamId.text = "Attendere 5 secondi" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 #The Teamid of the team that was just created can only be discovered via Team name search $newTeam= Get-MgGroup | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like $displayName} $lblTeamId.text=$newTeam.Id #Get Team members from the CSV $TeamUsers = Import-Csv $MembersFilePath -delimiter ";" #Iterate through each row obtained from the CSV and add to Teams as a Team member $TeamUsers | ForEach-Object { Add-TeamUser -GroupId $ -User $_.m365_email -Role Member Write-host "Added User:"$_.m365_email -f Green } #Get Team owners from the CSV $TeamOwners = Import-Csv $OwnersFilePath -delimiter ";" #Iterate through each row obtained from the CSV and add to Teams as a Team member $TeamOwners | ForEach-Object { Add-TeamUser -GroupId $ -User $_.m365_email -Role Owner Write-host "Added Owner:"$_.m365_email -f Green } } } Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() $CorsoTeams = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form $CorsoTeams.ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(1200,575) $CorsoTeams.text = "Corso Teams - Crea Struttura" $CorsoTeams.TopMost = $false $lblNomeCorso = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblNomeCorso.text = "Nome del corso" $lblNomeCorso.AutoSize = $true $lblNomeCorso.width = 25 $lblNomeCorso.height = 10 $lblNomeCorso.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(40,79) $lblNomeCorso.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10) $btnCrea = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $btnCrea.text = "Crea" $btnCrea.width = 150 $btnCrea.height = 67 $btnCrea.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(373,298) $btnCrea.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',16) $btnChiudi = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $btnChiudi.text = "Chiudi" $btnChiudi.width = 150 $btnChiudi.height = 67 $btnChiudi.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(628,298) $btnChiudi.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',16) $lblDataCorso = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblDataCorso.text = "Data del corso" $lblDataCorso.AutoSize = $true $lblDataCorso.width = 25 $lblDataCorso.height = 10 $lblDataCorso.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(39,143) $lblDataCorso.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10) $lblDescrizione = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblDescrizione.text = "Descrizione (facoltativa)" $lblDescrizione.AutoSize = $true $lblDescrizione.width = 25 $lblDescrizione.height = 10 $lblDescrizione.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(39,210) $lblDescrizione.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10) $txtDataCorso = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtDataCorso.multiline = $false $txtDataCorso.width = 150 $txtDataCorso.height = 40 $txtDataCorso.enabled = $true $txtDataCorso.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(370,134) $txtDataCorso.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',20) $txtNomeTeam = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtNomeTeam.multiline = $false $txtNomeTeam.width = 405 $txtNomeTeam.height = 40 $txtNomeTeam.enabled = $true $txtNomeTeam.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(370,75) $txtNomeTeam.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',20) $txtDescrizione = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtDescrizione.multiline = $false $txtDescrizione.width = 405 $txtDescrizione.height = 40 $txtDescrizione.enabled = $true $txtDescrizione.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(370,210) $txtDescrizione.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',20) $btnChiudi = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Button $btnChiudi.text = "Chiudi" $btnChiudi.width = 150 $btnChiudi.height = 67 $btnChiudi.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(628,298) $btnChiudi.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',16) $lblMessaggio = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblMessaggio.text = "INSERIRE I DATI" $lblMessaggio.AutoSize = $true $lblMessaggio.width = 25 $lblMessaggio.height = 10 $lblMessaggio.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(40,493) $lblMessaggio.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10) $lblTemplate = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblTemplate.text = "Modello Team utilizzato:" $lblTemplate.AutoSize = $true $lblTemplate.width = 25 $lblTemplate.height = 10 $lblTemplate.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(40,400) $lblTemplate.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',8) $txtTemplate = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.TextBox $txtTemplate.multiline = $false $txtTemplate.width = 405 $txtTemplate.height = 40 $txtTemplate.enabled = $true $txtTemplate.text = $DefaultModelTeam $txtTemplate.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(370,400) $txtTemplate.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',14) $lblTeamId = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label $lblTeamId.text = "" $lblTeamId.AutoSize = $true $lblTeamId.width = 25 $lblTeamId.height = 10 $lblTeamId.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(540,493) $lblTeamId.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Microsoft Sans Serif',10) $CorsoTeams.controls.AddRange(@($lblNomeCorso,$btnCrea,$lblDataCorso,$txtDataCorso,$txtNomeTeam,$btnChiudi,$lblMessaggio,$lblDescrizione,$txtDescrizione, $lblTeamId,$lblTemplate,$txtTemplate )) $txtDataCorso.text=Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy" $btnCrea.Add_Click({ $NomeTeamCompleto=$txtNomeTeam.text+" - "+$txtDataCorso.text CreaTeam $NomeTeamCompleto $txtDescrizione.text $lblMessaggio.text= "Team creato - TeamId:" }) $btnChiudi.Add_Click({$CorsoTeams.Close()}) [void]$CorsoTeams.ShowDialog()phil_tannayMar 07, 2025Copper Contributor2Views0likes0CommentsA powershell 7 script that will grant a global admin rights to users OneDrive
Hello, I'm wondering if this has ever been done, and if yes, can someone either give me the script or point me to where it is. I have a CSV of users which I need to grant a global admin access to their One Drives. I've scoured the internet for scripts that will iterate through my CSV and grant me access but I am always getting errors no matter what I try to do. I am using PS7 for this. Has this ever been done? If yes can someone please give me a script that can do it. Thanksaudi911111Mar 05, 2025Copper Contributor46Views0likes2CommentsChange work hours
Hello, I am trying to change users' work hours as I would do via the web interface. However, I am unable to find a way to do this using PowerShell. I’ve seen suggestions to use Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration, such as: Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity email address removed for privacy reasons -WorkingHoursStartTime "09:00:00" -WorkingHoursEndTime "17:00:00" However, I need to set different working hours for each day, and I can’t find any parameters that would allow me to do this. Is this possible? Do I need to use Update-MgUserMailboxSetting for this? Thank you, Alejandro22Views0likes1CommentThe term 'New-MailContact' is not recognized
Hi Support, I am trying to bulk import external contacts to the tenant. I have come across several other Q&As which have the similar issue. However, the issue is slightly different - I have assigned this test account recipient management role which should be able to create mail recipient and related stuff. This user, eg, test user, is able to do it from the online version from exchange admin center but cant use the cmd to run via powershell. It was working probably a week ago and I haven't changed anything. It also works fine when authenticating using a global admin account. Looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance, SheilaSXMar 01, 2025Copper Contributor67Views0likes4CommentsGet-MpComputerStatus returns no output
Hello, on a Server 2019 with windows defender installed in the "Windows Security GUI" all is fine. Protection definitions are up to date, exclusions are set ... (managed with SCCM) But when i use the Get-MpComputerStatus it returns no output. (not even an error) Please help.blindpepperFeb 26, 2025Copper Contributor22KViews2likes18CommentsHow to use New-ComplianceSearchAction -Export to export results to sharepoint,download them locally?
We need to do a compliance project. We want to export the search results to a specific location (such as SharePoint) through PowerShell, and then download them locally. How do I use the PowerShell command New-ComplianceSearchAction -Export to export search results to sharepoint and then download them locally? Both use the PowerShell command. I saw this sample in offical documentation: New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName "Case 321 All Sites" -Export -SharePointArchiveFormat SingleZip -ExchangeArchiveFormat PerUserPst But it doesn't say how to export the results to a specific location (such as SharePoint) , and how to download them locally. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!howard-richardFeb 25, 2025Copper Contributor808Views0likes10CommentsA little help please with Get-AzADObject
I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will list the users who hold specified Azure roles into a .csv file for security reviews. I'm new to PowerShell and I'm struggling with this for far too long on my own. Here's what I've got: I keep getting the error: Get-AzADObject: The term 'Get-AzADObject' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. I've already used: Get-Module AzureAD Install-Module AzureAD Import-Module AzureAD With no errors on any of those. What am I missing, please?ktc2Feb 24, 2025Copper Contributor61Views1like4CommentsList SharePoint Sites, their Libraries, their folders, and their Permissions for Given User
I need to run an audit on the permissions without our SharePoint instance. I'm trying to mix a bunch of code together to achieve this and I'm failing. I would like an output like this: Site 1 Title Permission ---------------------------------------- Library 1 Read Library 2 Full Control Library 3 Contribute Library 4 Read Library 5 Contribute Site 2 Title Permission ---------------------------------------- Library 1 Read Library 2 Full Control Library 3 Contribute Library 4 Read Library 5 Contribute The closest I've gotten is permissions looping through the Sites, but it keeps outputting the same libraries for each site, and it's not even accurate. #Set Parameter $TenantSiteURL="" #Connect to the Tenant site Connect-PnPOnline -Url $TenantSiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential) #Get All Site collections - Exclude: Seach Center, Redirect site, Mysite Host, App Catalog, Content Type Hub, eDiscovery and Bot Sites $SiteCollections = Get-PnPTenantSite | Where -Property Template -NotIn ("SRCHCEN#0", "REDIRECTSITE#0", "SPSMSITEHOST#0", "APPCATALOG#0", "POINTPUBLISHINGHUB#0", "EDISC#0", "STS#-1") #Loop through each site collection ForEach($Site in $SiteCollections) { Write-Host "" $Site.Title #Get all document libraries $DocLibs = Get-PnPList #Get ID and Title of the document library $DocLibs.Title }xoxideinFeb 21, 2025Iron Contributor7.3KViews0likes2CommentsAd-Hoc Entra MFA using SMS
Error : Get MFA Client Access TokenDone. Send MFA challenge to the user Done. OTP sent to your phone. Please enter the OTP: Enter the OTP sent via SMS: 696632 Invoke-RestMethod: C:\Git_Repo\MFA_Test\MFATestWIthKyle\sms.ps1:54:28 Line | 54 | … ionResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://strongauthenticationservi … | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Service BODY { color: #000000; background-color: white; font-family: Verdana; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; | } #content { margin-left: 30px; font-size: .70em; padding-bottom: 2em; } A:link { color: #336699; font-weight: bold; | text-decoration: underline; } A:visited { color: #6699cc; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } A:active { color: | #336699; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .heading1 { background-color: #003366; border-bottom: #336699 6px | solid; color: #ffffff; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 26px; font-weight: normal;margin: 0em 0em 10px -20px; padding-bottom: | 8px; padding-left: 30px;padding-top: 16px;} pre { font-size:small; background-color: #e5e5cc; padding: 5px; font-family: | Courier New; margin-top: 0px; border: 1px #f0f0e0 solid; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; | } table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; font-family: Verdana;} table th { border-right: 2px white solid; | border-bottom: 2px white solid; font-weight: bold; background-color: #cecf9c;} table td { border-right: 2px white solid; | border-bottom: 2px white solid; background-color: #e5e5cc;} Service Endpoint not found. WARNING: Invalid OTP or validation failed. Below line causing the error $mfaValidationResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Method POST -Headers $Headers -Body $XML -ContentType 'application/xml'Biswajit21Feb 21, 2025Copper Contributor17Views0likes0Comments
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