Winget repo

Steel Contributor

I just have a little question about winget (before jumb aboard) it's only to know what i have to do to be up to date.

Does the package who support winget update already do it automatically or like on linux we must do sometime winget update to check availability of update (once again for package who supporting it).



2 Replies

@Wittycat I'm not super familiar with winget, but maybe you can ask you question over at GitHub: Discussions · microsoft/winget-cli · GitHub


I'm sure someone there may be better suited to answer your question.



Currently the "Winget upgrade" command is in preview, you need run it manually. it's also connected to "Winget list" command. both in preview and lack features but together they will be able to keep the track of installed programs, Win32 or UWP, and update them from whatever source they were installed from.
currently Winget doesn't have the correct feature implementation to detect the source of the installed programs.