Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation high CPU usage

Iron Contributor

Hi all!

Just updated to the latest flight 20201.1000 (Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.21600.0.0), and as usual, have problem with Realtek audio drivers compatibility, causing trouble as in subject.


realtek last dr.jpg



And CPU usage: 


Realtek last pr.jpg



When audio driver changed to HDA:


HDA dr.jpg


CPU usage reduced as following:


HDA pr.jpg




Tested with two Realtek Audio versions - results are same - high CPU usage by Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation. 

Audio dr.jpg

The solution I found long ago at internet. This is long existed driver compatibility problem (at least for me). And I understand that this is not a Windows problem. May be if Microsoft team could work in collaboration with Realtek to solve this issue it will be a huge progress, as Feedback Hub is full of same issue.

Best regards,



3 Replies

Hello @Joshua1605,


Try these steps and see if it helps:


1. Right click on sound icon on taskbar, select Sounds.

2. On the Playback tab of the Sound window, select the device that you suspect may be causing issues and then click Properties.

3. On the property sheet, go to Enhancements, and check Disable all enhancements.


Hope this helps!

@KapilArya Hi!

Thanks for response!

Yep, all sound enhancements are disabled/spatial sound Off while using Realtek drivers.

But with HDA drivers no any issue even if sound enhancements are enabled:

hda enchan.jpg

@Joshua1605, then it seems real issue is with Realtek drivers. In my experience, I've seen that they've incompatibility issues even with stable versions of Windows 10.