PUBG on build 22518 game crash to desktop.

Copper Contributor

I did report it via Feedback.


But has anyone else had an issue with build 22518 and PUBG?


I've tried reinstalling etc.


Double click to start the game and boom, crash to desktop. 


I do get two popups (I've seen this under previous builds too), and reading up, really not going to disable Core Isolation to let it run (it needs to stay off) as this is just an anti-cheat tool with a rather poor reputation. Based on previous experience you can still play the game with this error in the past. 







2 Replies
have you tried to set Compatibility to Win7 or Win10 then run PUBG again? It's seems the xhunder1.sys driver not compatible on this Build...
I am having problem with "F" button on my emulator. Any issues you have to resolve as well!