Apr 03 2023 08:08 AM
Hi, I'm on W11 insider latest (10.0.22624.1537) and Phone link gone berzerk some 5-6 weeks ago. Before it was working as expected - same wired desktop PC, same Phone over the same router/network whatever, nothing changed configwise. I only have 1 MS account with Personal 365 sub, using it successfuly on all Android/Ios/windows devices. However when the Windows Phone Link App and the mobile app tries to connect it says "Your account is linked" but I see no Devices and can't add a new one. When it's in the "Pairing with PC" state, it fails with "Looks like we got interrupted" error, BUT I get security emails from MS: "
You recently signed in with your Microsoft account email address removed for privacy reasons. To help keep you safe, here are a few details: |
Country/region: Hungary |
Date: 4/3/2023 5:03 PM (CET) |
Service: Link to Windows |
I've tried it with my phone connected via Bluetooth/removed connection; tried getting the PC to wifi, nothing helps.
As a developer, who depends on SMS-2-auth-codes that I need to type in from my phone EVERY SINGLE TIME instead of copy-paste it starts to drive me mad! Could someone from MS help me debug out this situation? Thanks, Bálint