Manually or configure Restore Points fails in windows 11

Copper Contributor

Greetings from Spain, i have update to win11 (insider program) and now can not create restore points manually either configure the restore points. The app close, no error code is show, simply closes. When i try to see the restore points only exists the system one. Sorry for me English, i have it long forgotten. 

copia de evaluacion Build 22581.ni_release.220318-1623

5 Replies
Try turning off and turn on back the system protection, see if it helps.
I have try with powershell create manually a restoration point, but fails
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypas -NoExit -Command "Checkpoint-Computer -Description 'test1ps' -RestorePointType 'MODIFY_SETTINGS'"
Checkpoint-Computer : Este comando no se puede ejecutar debido al siguiente error: no se puede iniciar el servicio
porque está deshabilitado o no tiene dispositivos habilitados asociados a él.
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ Checkpoint-Computer -Description 'test1ps' -RestorePointType 'MODIFY_ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Checkpoint-Computer], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ServiceDisabled,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CheckpointComputerCommand

But the service was active, i tried to disable and reenable. The command to disable works fine, but the command for enable fails again

cmdlet Enable-ComputerRestore en la posición 1 de la canalización de comandos
Proporcione valores para los parámetros siguientes:
Drive[0]: C:\
Enable-ComputerRestore : No se puede habilitar la unidad C:\.
En línea: 1 Carácter: 1
+ Enable-ComputerRestore
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Enable-ComputerRestore], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : EnableComputerRestoreNotEnabled,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.EnableComputerRestoreCommand

For now i have not the option to create restore points


Hi this is the release for the Dev channel. and Beta identical , so that you can downgrade the channel to Beta without a clean installation so probably the next release will fix it - just wait a little 

@Jiriky  after a little work, the Volume Shadow Copy Service does'nt exists in windows 11. With regedit, i was able to enable again the restore point. The EventSystem was stopped and it's posible to manually start but the VSS it's gone..., so the VSS writer also. For now o Microsoft repair it, or show how to install manually the VSS package


Thanks, i suppouse in a few weeks this issues will be fixed. For now i'm cloning the windows partition, if something goes really bad... in 30 minutes i have a new windows partition.