Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20161


Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20161 to Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel.


More Info: Windows Blog 

7 Replies

@nuno silva Can you explain why does my Start Menu didn't even change in build 20161?


@ApolloVN Hi Thomas,


According to the blog post, these features are rolling out to a subset of Insiders in the Dev Channel at first, in order to help identify issues that may impact performance and reliability. This means Insiders may not see some of these features right away, but they will be gradually rolled out to everyone in the Dev Channel. 


I have 2 machines on the Dev Channel but the Theme-aware tiles and icons is available only in one. 

Same problem here! Someone please help! @ApolloVN @nuno silva

@johntitus Hi John, what problem are you referring to?


As I sad before, the changes on the Start Menu are not visible to all Insiders in the Dev Channel at this time.

@nuno silva 

The blog post doesn't actually say the Start Menu changes are limited roll out, only that some features are.

It only explicitly mentions the Alt+Tab option for Edge tabs.


I thought as well, when the new channels were done recently it mentioned that this point of limited roll outs of new features would stop as it wasn't popular.

At least it should say somewhere that you have not received on your account/machine, otherwise you get posts like this of people wondering why it isn't working.

Is it simply not available to you, or is there a bug?!

@ajf350d Hi there, 


Since it´s mentioned on the 3rd paragraph of the blog post, I assume it applies to all mentioned features and not only the Alt+Tab feature:


 As I said before, I have 2 machines on Dev Channel. One got the Theme-aware tiles and the other didn't. Since I'm not the only Insider show this, to me it's not a bug, it's A/B testing




Thank you for linking insider builds blog posts every week. It is after a long time so many features are announced in an Insider build but I also have not got the features yet, waiting for them to come to my computer in the future.