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Re: Microsoft Exchange Information Store service encountered a corrupt AD object
m_krone Identify what kind of mailbox it is, they are. It is likely they will be orphaned "In-Place Archive" HealthMailbox. Get-MailboxStatistics -StoreMailboxIdentity <Mailbox GUID>-Database <Database GUID> Then, remove it: Remove-Mailbox -Database<Database GUID>-StoreMailboxIdentity <Mailbox GUID> Automatically identify mailboxes: (<Mailbox GUID 1>,<Mailbox GUID 2>, ...,<Mailbox GUID n>)| ForEach-Object {Get-MailboxStatistics -StoreMailboxIdentity $_ -Database <Database GUID> | select DisplayName} Automatically remove mailboxes: (<Mailbox GUID 1>,<Mailbox GUID 2>, ...,<Mailbox GUID n>)| ForEach-Object {Remove-Mailbox -Database <Database GUID> -StoreMailboxIdentity $_} EDIT, P.S.: I had the same exact errors and was able to eliminate them.6.1KViews0likes0Comments
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