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Re: Snip & sketch freezes windows
Lionile This just happened to me as well this morning. I was taking screen caps fine all day yesterday, then I boot up this morning and try to take a screen cap and.....the selection won't go away. It just stays up on screen forever and makes the display non interactive. I can't back out of the screen cap, I can't alt+tab to go to another program, the windows button doesn't work. I try to call up the task manager with ctrl+alt+delete, and the blue screen pops up with the options to Lock, restart, log out or task Manager, but when I click on task manager it just brings me to the screen cap. The only way for me to get out of it is to alt+f4, and when I do, the screen cap goes away and shows me my other open programs and the task manager that were stuck beneath it. I am a moderator and help desk member of a Discord channel for a Minecraft Rendering Tool called Chunky, so being able to take screenshots to guide and direct people to solutions to their problems is ESSENTIAL. As it is now, I had to take a photo with my phone to show what I mean, since I can't take a screenshot to show my screenshot problem. *sigh* I used the freeform selection for this one. The selection stays up and won't save, keeping my laptop locked in screenshot mode indefinitely until I alt+f4 out.42KViews0likes0Comments
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