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bluetooth, wireless, touchscreen need included in os
I don't think windows 10 is walking the right way. Changed the speaker adjust from vertical to horizontal; moving things from control panel to settings. What is in mind, childish! Recently I got a used tablet, with windows 10 1709, no system recovery. The touch screen is good, but loss bluetooth and display drivers. When I search and tried these drives, the touch screen can't work, can't be calibrated. Then I tried different os, from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 2004, and kinds of drivers, still not working. I think the os should be shipped with basic, essencial functions, like bluetooth, wireless, touchscreen. These are so important today, we are not in 1990s, need keyboard to install system. Don't let these drivers worrying users. The better os we need is a slim, stable container. Anything should be independent component, like power adjust, backup, control pannel styles, themes. These are users options. Making them app or exe program, let user to choose what to install. This is a better, less bugs, light os, future Windows.887Views0likes2Comments
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