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Details for mail message deleted
Hi, I am using delta queries to get the message changes in a given folder. When the message is moved from one folder to other, getting the "deleted" item from the source folder but for that only getting the value of "id". How should we get the other details? I am particularly interested in getting the InternetMessageId of the message which has been moved/deleted? Below is the part of the response of delta query I am running: { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.message", "id": "AAMkADNkZTJmYzJmLWNmNmUtNDMzYi1iN2ExLWFhYjk5MjhjOGNjOQBGAAAAAADiJgX9r0PFTrVW0OrfVfKbBwDHr1By6_N_SZ34SFU1tcfdAAAAAAEMAADHr1By6_N_SZ34SFU1tcfdAABRxA_3AAA=", "@removed": { "reason": "deleted" } } Thanks, Rashmi389Views0likes0CommentsRe: Support for retrieving mail folder permissions
Thanks for the information. One more question then is : Is it better to use EWS Managed API's than Powershell in that case? We would like to access both Exchange On Premise and Exchange Online accounts for such operations. Thanks Rashmi1.1KViews0likes2CommentsSupport for retrieving mail folder permissions
Hi, We would like to retrieve mail folder permissions via Graph API's but not able to see support for it. Is there any way with which we will be able to get them and if not, what is the likelihood and approximate time frame when it will be available in Graph API?Solved1.1KViews0likes4Comments
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