Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Azure Synapse Compatibility Checks Hey Neeraj, in paragraph "Which category does Synapse belong to?", in the spreadsheet there is a cell with "broze/silva/gold" which should be bronze/silver/gold I guess 😉 Re: Known Issue: Android devices lose access to Intune-managed resources after upgrading to Android I have aoneplus nord 2t, any ETA to your knowledge regarding a fix? Real-time data ingestion in Synapse SQL dedicated pool at scale This use case is about streaming data in Synapse SQL dedicated pool leveraging Event Hubs, Stream Analytics and minimize the maintenance of the fact table receiving the telemetry data when using a cl...Partition Stream Analytics output and query it with serverless Synapse SQL pool This example is based on a use case I've worked with a customer who is in the utility industry. It leverages on-the-fly partitioning capabilities of Stream analytics, Synapse serverless ...Build Near Real Time Power BI reports using Synapse Link and SQL On-Demand easily This is a step by step guide to easily build near real time dashboards based on Cosmos DB data using Synapse Link