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Build Near Real Time Power BI reports using Synapse Link and SQL On-Demand easily

lionelp's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 25, 2021

This guide describes how to build near real time Power BI reports leveraging Synapse Link and SQL On-Demand. The intent is to demonstrate the simplicity of using these technologies.


Now let's start!

Ensure you have the new Synapse Workspace enabled in your subscription:


Ensure you have Synapse Link enabled at your Cosmos DB account


Create your Database and container, verify the container has the Analytical Store enabled

As a prerequisite you need to ensure you are running Cosmos DB Python SDK v4.1.0 by executing the code below in a notebook:


import azure.cosmos as cosmos
print (cosmos.__version__)



Result should be 4.1.0, if it’s below then run this command in a new cell:


pip install --force-reinstall azure-cosmos



You’ll then need to open a new notebook to get the new version taken into account and run the following code:


import azure.cosmos
from azure.cosmos.partition_key import PartitionKey

database = cosmos_client.create_database_if_not_exists('RetailDemo')
print('Database RetailDemo created')

container = database.create_container_if_not_exists(id='WebsiteData', partition_key=PartitionKey(path='/CartID'),analytical_storage_ttl=-1)

print('Container WebsiteData created')



Note that you have created in the database RetailDemo a container named WebsiteData partitioned on CartID and you enabled the Analytical Store with the the parameter "analytical_storage_ttl=-1"


Once the container is created you can check the Analytical Store is enabled by default:


Then let start to load a small sample of data, for this you just need to create a new notebook in your Cosmos DB Data Explorer as follow:


Code to run in your notebook:


%%upload --databaseName RetailDemo --containerName WebsiteData --url



Here is how the data look like now:


Once this first step is complete you have a container with a few items and an Analytical Store on it.


Next Step is to go to Synapse Workspace and from there to Synapse Studio, create a SQL On Demand Database and test querying the Cosmos DB Analytical Store from there.


You can either use an existing Synapse Workspace or create a new one and launch Synapse Studio directly on your Workspace.


To discover how to create a SQL On-Demand Database and start learning how it works simply use this link: 


Now you can create a view in the On-Demand Database with the following syntax:


Click on the Develop icon on the left side to access the SQL script and Notebooks, click on the ‘+’ sign to get a new SQL script then connected to the SQL On-Demand engine and ‘myondemanddb’ database.


Code to run in your SQL script:




AS q1



In my my current example region is northeurope.

Once the view is created, you can run simplistic queries such as the ones below and get the results from the CosmosDB container WebsiteData:


Code to run in your SQL script:


select * from CosmosDBTest;

select country,sum(price) 
from CosmosDBTest

group by country;



Note that Synapse Link take care of the JSON document flattening into a table format for you.


Now that the general mechanism is now in place so you are ready to build a Power BI report on top of this. In case you don’t have PBI Desktop already you can get it from there:


Start PBI Desktop and select the Azure SQL Database source and put the SQL On-Demand endpoint as the server name:

Do not forget to specify port 1433 (,1433) and DirectQuery mode:


After giving your credentials let’s pick up the view CosmosDBTest that you created precedingly:


Here is the simple report we can build and let focus on Guinea-Bissau, the current price value is 7.5:

Let’s go back to CosmosDB and select the corresponding items where we can raise the price of the corresponding item by 100 for instance:


After a latency of around a minute the price increase is reflected on the report:


And what if you load a larger set of Data into your Cosmos DB container?

Let’s then take a larger data set and bulk load it into your container as follow:


How is this rendered in Power BI?


Almost there!

What if you publish to your Power BI Tenant?


This is it!


To wrap this up:

  • I enabled the Analytical Store on a Cosmos DB container
  • I created a SQL on-demand view on this container Analytical Store
  • I created a Power BI report connected to the SQL on-demand database as a regular Azure SQL Database 


Call to Action:

Updated Feb 25, 2021
Version 1.0
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